Chinese, whilst based in Hong Kong, seems an obvious opportunity. It’s
best to start your kids off early and, to get the best results,
intensively. Top Schools highly
specialised team of completely independent education experts can help
guide your through the confusing array of Hong Kong Schools, selecting
one that meets your needs, with particular expertise in bilingual
schools and schools that offer a stronger Mandarin program. We customise
our guidance based on your family’s preferences as well as your child’s
academic, emotional and social needs.
Read on for our top tips to motivate your child’s interest in learning Mandarin when it isn’t a home language.

- A little exposure when they are very little. Starting as young as four months, look for ways to provide an easy, pressure-free introduction to the language. Most children love music and many playgroups offer this. Choose one where the teacher doesn’t speak English at all during the sessions and you’ll find your child singing along as soon as they are able to speak.
- Buy children’s books in Chinese. Consider whether you will choose books with simplified or traditional characters. Many children’s books have pinyin alongside the characters and many don’t. Try to pick books in a subject that your children would normally be interested in- if he or she loves Peppa Pig, pick out one of these. Ask a student or a friend to read to your child as often as possible.
- Frequent the local playgrounds. More and more Mandarin speaking families are living in Hong Kong, particularly in certain areas. You’re likely to find them and their children at a local park/playground or at the supermarket.
Bonus Tip For Parents: Use
YouTube and TV sparingly, but do use it. Even if you are unable to
understand, listening consistently can improve your “ear” for Mandarin
and help you become accustomed to the speed and cadence of a native
Top Schools is
Hong Kong’s leading independent education experts, here to develop a
strategic, realistic and flexible approach to assist parents in choosing
the best Hong Kong school for their child. Get in touch today!
Connect with Tops Schools
Address: 22A Crawford Tower, 99 Jervois St, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3565 5866
Website: http://topschools.com.hk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/topschoolshk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/topschoolshk
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