Monday, January 18, 2010

Planet Yoga Guest Instructor Series

Guest Instuctor Master Jack (Dec-Jan)

Jack is a true inspired Indian dance Instructor, who also is a Master of Martial arts.

He has concurred Black belt 2nd don, "Tae-Kwon-Do", 7-Gold, 2- Silver and 3 Bronze medals in National level tournaments in INDIA among a billion people.

He was selected and represented by the Indian Tae-Kwon-Do Federation for international level several times.

Currently he is the honorary secretary & Chief Technical Director Of jury in National tournaments in India.

Recently, under his direction Orissa state Tae-Kwon-Do program for “schools & Clubs" is a big success in India.

Professionally dancing and choreographed in Bollywood (the Indian movie industry) more than 15 years, conducting events with Bolly-Wood stars throughout INDIA, working in movies as director for 10 years, working experience for 4 years in BKK under CaliforniaWOW, making every show a success with new effects... Presently posted as dance coordinator BKK...

My moto is to make every single person HAPPY and HEALTHY.

"Enjoy each and every moment.... "

Master Jack showing off a signature dance move at Planet Yoga Hong Kong

Special Guest Instructor Rahul visits Planet Yoga Hong Kong

Planet Yoga Special Appearance: Rahul

8-time winner of National Yoga Championship.

Rahul graduated in Yoga Praveen from Yoga Vidhya Dham Nasik Institute in 2005.

He has learned the Patanjali yoga sutras and worked as yoga instructor in several different institutions and schools .He has been teaching yoga since the past 7 years.

In 2003, he has been selected for inter-university yoga competition from Pune University state. He has experienced in various types of yoga (Rhythmic Yoga, Artistic Yoga and Rope yoga) and he was also selected for International Yoga Competition to perform yoga in Italy.

Rahul was kind enough to take time from his busy schedule and visit us at Planet Yoga Hong Kong for a special guest instructor class for Patanjali Yoga.

For photos of Rahul and our members trying out an exciting class, check our facebook photo album.

Special guest instructor Rahul visiting Planet Yoga Hong Kong from Thailand

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Planet Yoga's Master Naveen shares his experience in Hong Kong.

Master Naveen is the leading instructor at Planet Yoga central, Hong Kong. With seven years of practice and experience and a solid knowledge of yoga concepts, Naveen has a huge, loyal following at the centre.
How did you decide to come to Hong Kong and teach Yoga?
A couple of years ago, before all the other centres opened in Hong Kong, Planet Yoga was the only big studio. It is renowned in India that, all the experienced Yoga instructors would come here, if they wanted to be in Hong Kong. In fact, most of the directors of big yoga centres in Hong Kong now started at Planet Yoga.

That's very interesting. Not a lot of people would know that. What lead you to become a yoga instructor?
Yoga is intricately tied into religious practices in India. As a child I was always involved in praying, performing rituals and meditation.
In my senior year in high school, my sister suddenly passed away. My whole family was devastated. Our family doctor saw how the tragedy had affected my father's health and suggested a yoga retreat for him to go to. After my dad came back from the retreat he was a renewed man.
I watched him practice at home and I started doing yoga with him. It was our way to bond as father and son. Through yoga we healed from the sadness together. After that, I started studying yoga in University and have not stopped practicing ever since.
We are sorry to hear that, but it seems that you now practice what you preach because yoga has actually been life changing for you. You have worked in Planet Yoga for a while, do you see a change in the clientele or what their needs are?
A couple of years ago, most people came to Planet Yoga to exercise and have a good workout. Now I think that the focus has shifted and there is a new interest in meditation, detox, and yoga as a lifestyle. Kapil and I host information sessions (offered nowhere else in Hong Kong) every week and many of our members come in to listen and talk about the concepts of yoga.

Finally, what does Real Yoga mean to you?
Real yoga is internalizing and engaging all five aspects of yoga, the physical, mental, emotional, social and the spiritual.


To see the full list of classes taught by Master Naveen, visit

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

贊成全港校本驗毒 馬詩慧:Monique應入戒毒所



  汪詩詩與女兒 Jasmine出席,戴了眼鏡的Jasmine十分可愛,詩詩謂她與老公甄子丹有近視,相信女兒是遺傳,她說:「最初配眼鏡時她好開心,後來覺得不漂亮,影相要除眼鏡!」她謂兒子亦遺傳了爸爸喜歡打\夫的興趣,不時會拿着木棍舞來舞去!她透露甄子丹會回港出席首映,而她已預備了驚喜的聖誕禮物。











葉靖女士愛心支持為本年度節慶季節揭開序幕港安醫院慈善基金假香港君悅酒店舉行首次聖誕曲奇記者招待會,為聖誕佳節揭開序幕,並以此進一步擴展港安醫院慈善基金現有的外展慈善項目。基金的受惠基金包括兒童心臟基金、兒童聽覺基金、護眼基金、癌病基金、兒童醫療基金等,所有活動均以幫助香港及內地急需醫療服務的兒童為宗旨。記者招待會更即場讓嘉賓試食由Complete Deelite精心炮製的聖誕曲奇餅。

香港港安醫院院長暨行政總裁楊銘澧博士聯同一眾名人媽媽,包括歐陽妙芝、汪詩詩及馬詩慧出席記者會,盡顯他們對此一慈善活動的無私支持。其他重要嘉賓尚有小兒科專科醫生梁平,他在會上為嘉賓講述兒童先天性心臟病的概況。此外,Complete Deelite創辦人余麗麗女士亦即席示範了粉飾曲奇的技藝。

這次活動背後的一股重要動力──亞洲著名慈善家、企業家及商界名人葉靖女士 ﹝Ms. Katherine Yip Geicke﹞可謂功不可沒。她除了慷慨解囊資助基金會之外,還抽出寶貴時間與基金會外展計劃的受惠兒童共渡美好時光。葉靖女士身為AMW HK Ltd.創辦人,長期從事兒童教育產品的開發。她更是Sanrio Digital、Vina Capital及Pacific Alliance的創辦夥伴暨董事會成員,一直堅守「樂於助人」的原則。



葉靖女士是各種慈善活動的常客,除了與伸手助人協會、香港癌症基金會、港安醫院慈善基金等機構已經合作逾十年之外,更積極為The Yip Geicke Foundation籌謀。


如欲支持此一別具意義的慈善活動,可惠顧Complete Deelite的聖誕曲奇。曲奇禮盒分為三層禮品聖誕樹及七層禮品聖誕樹兩款,裡面有聖誕蛋糕、大朱古力曲奇、瑞士朱古力、雜錦曲奇等精品,售價視乎禮品組合由港幣100元至2,000元不等,亦有價值200元的禮券公開發售。詳情請瀏覽
