Wednesday, September 29, 2010

大眼mama推薦 - 無針人體胎盤素導入的療程

香港一直有好多有名氣既beauty bloggers!他們的身份可能係80後的年青人,可能係OL,但其實已為人母的媽媽Bloggers亦非常受歡迎!!因為當媽媽生完bb後,她的荷爾 蒙會有小小的轉變,加上皮膚會特別敏感,所以她們需要特別的護理!一直好鍾意上網睇一d 媽媽blogger既product用後感一黎太多product服務實在不能夠一一去試而且本人皮膚特別敏感,所以媽媽bloggers試用過就可以知道多d product既特性同埋好處!最近因為開始轉季好想去搵d treatment做下為自己既肌膚打定底但係坊間有咁多不同的treatment邊一種最適合自己呢?唯有上網睇下有冇d咩好介紹!!

俾我發現左一個人氣beauty blogger - 大眼MAMA岩岩試完一個treatment的試後感:嘩~問你驚唔驚之~人體胎盤素 做 facial~ 一睇個名諗住睇下有咩facial咁得人驚
人體胎盤素黎做facial!點知睇睇下發現原來依個treatment叫做無針人體胎盤素導入的療程 係起銅鑼灣華洋坊Angus Beauty Concept做既華洋坊係香港首間薈萃中西美容概念的醫學美容中心!一睇到都已經好想試!因為華洋坊將先進既西方醫學美容技術,結合中醫內在調理的基本一次過調理外在同內在!!人體胎盤素其實就是中藥所指既「紫河車」,早起秦始皇時期已經有人作為藥用所以並唔係我地諗得咁得人驚只係因為人胎兩個字一直令人望而卻步


好啦!!既然大眼MAMA既comment咁好!我都事不宜遲,即刻打去 (852) 2186 1111 book個位先!

如果你地都有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intensified Vision Equipment Now Possible With Kite In Asia Through Manifest Marketing!

Qioptiq Limited is the world-renowned producer of Kite, a high quality intensified night vision equipment. The Kite’s line of products is now available in Asia through Manifest Marketing and continues to deliver its quality products worldwide.

Amidst battlefields or any operations requiring intensified vision, weapon sights are very important. Weapon sights are specialized equipments where night and medium range vision are possible for surveillance and target engagement. This kind of equipment is mostly needed by armies and policemen for everyday operations. Manifest Marketing of Hong Kong started to offer this line of product in Asia and continues to offer other quality products from Qioptiq Limited, the producer of Kite. To learn more about their products, here are some of the notable products to consider in terms of short to long range vision equipments:


Kite is lightweight and compact night vision equipment currently used by more than 50 countries worldwide. It has 4x magnification and is suitable to use for short to medium range weapons. It can operate even under lowlight conditions and capable of up to nine degrees field of view. It uses two 1.5V AA batteries that can last up to 70 hours of continuous usage.

Maxikite-1 and Maxikite-2

These two equipments are also compact and lightweight in nature. They have 6x magnification and suitable for medium to long range and large caliber weapons. Maxikite-1 and Maxikite-2 use two 1.5V AA batteries for continuous 40 hours usage. Particularly, Maxikite-1 is suitable for 7.62 and 12.7 (0.5) caliber weapons and can use interface brackets in order to mount it in different weapons. On the other hand, Maxikite-2 is good for 7.62 and .50/12.7 caliber weapons and suitable as well for interface brackets.


These lightweight and compact monocular intensified vision equipments are good to use for short to long range surveillance. KOS has x4 magnification at 9° field of view while MAXICOS has x6 magnification at 5.5° field of view. These two equipments both have ruggedized design and can operate even under lowlight conditions. Both uses two 1.5V AA batteries and user controls are limited to on/off switch and objective focus.

With Kite’s line of products from Qioptiq Limited, intensified short up to long range night vision equipments are definitely possible. Just make sure to find the right Kite equipment compatible for your weapon in order to ensure fully intensified vision for different operations!

To know more about Kite from Qioptiq Limited, just add Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter in order to get the latest updates from them.

Scyron - Enjoy The Benefits Of Automated Video Management Through Manifest Marketing in Asia!

Scyron specializes in delivering detailed outputs from intensive video analysis. Their lines of software are experts in digital evidence management, analysis and presentation that are highly recommended for security purposes. Currently, it is now available in Asia through Manifest Marketing!

Scyron has solutions for every video analysis needs. From surveillance up to presentation, the company can handle different technical video needs through their lines of software. In general, they have two innovative IT products – the Darc Ware and Demon Suite. Both of these products aim to provide top quality video solution especially for security purposes and fortunately, these products are made more reachable across Asia through Manifest Marketing, a distributing company from Hong Kong. But why would you choose Scyron over other IT companies? Take note of the following:

Get Organized

Video surveillance, management, analysis and presentation are one of the most complex tasks around. With Scyron’s lines of software, these tasks are made easier to do in a more organized way than you could ever expect from other software around. Scyron’s Darc and Demon software can deliver outputs in an organized report so anyone could understand it. The events in the final report are also tagged up to 10 areas of interests in each time frame, so it would be easy to review particular events without the need to reanalyze the entire footage.

Save Money

With Scyron’s automated software, you don’t need to spend hours on manual way of editing, reviewing and analyzing long videos for security purposes. Therefore, you don’t need to pay for long hours spent in various video tasks as Scyron’s software can do all the tasks in a short time.

Increased Productivity

Since the need for manual video tasks are eliminated and the time for video analysis is shortened, productivity is definitely increased. As every video is analyzed quickly, actions can be made quickly as well. And because the software is automated, human errors are also eliminated from the software’s video report so the need for extensive review for possible errors is not needed thus, giving more time for other tasks in order to increase everyone’s productivity.

With Scyron’s benefits in saving time, money and effort in various video tasks, it is highly recommended by experts worldwide. Get it at Manifest Marketing where it is made easier to purchase. Now you can find specifically designed software for every video task you need!

Just add Manifest Marketing in Facebook and Twitter so you can always get the latest updates about Scyron.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Leading Industry Solution for Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers - Mawashi R4-3 Suit

Mawashi R4-3 Suit by Manfest Marketing

Mawashi R4-E Suit is a Personal Protective Equipment Crowd Management/ Correctional Suit of Mawashi Protective Clothing Inc. which is distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing , Hong Kong.

Mawashi Protective Clothing Inc is a leading developer and manufacturer of personal protective equipment for law enforcement, correctional service, and military users and the challenging environments they work in.

Mawashi R4-E Suit delivers unprecedented flexibility, cooling, comfort, and coveralls to law enforcement and corrections officers in conjunction with being the first blunt impact protection PPE that meets the impact attenuation criteria of the recently released performance standard CAN/CSA Z617-06. This exceptional combination of protection and function makes Mawashi R4-E Suit the industry leading solution for law enforcement and corrections officers directly such as civil disturbances, cell extractions, riot control, violent inmate disturbances, and other emergency response operations.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has a full range-of-motion and complete ease-of-motion which is specially designed for the wearers to easily move the shoulder, elbow, mid-section, and knee. Wearers who tried the suit say “it is so flexible, it feels like you’re not wearing anything”.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has a highly effective mesh-ventilation layer throughout the arm and leg regions to help with cooling the wearer and reduce heat stress effects.


Mawashi R4-E Suit has high level of standby comfort which is easy and fast to don and doff upper assembly and lower assembly.


Mawashi R4-E Suit is a flame resistant coverall which has an optional blood-borne pathogen resistant coverall.

For more information about Mawashi R4-E Suit , please visit our website Manifest Marketing, HongKong, or our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

香港 OL 至愛:溶解黑頭,零毛孔!


最近 一些比較嶄新的醫療美容中心好像華洋坊已經利用新科技, 推出左一個新療程 - 碳粉激光收毛孔療程 (Spectra Peel),採用碳粉激光。這個療程能令油脂分泌線縮小,主要的功效是收斂皮脂分泌,清除黑頭並使毛孔收細、清除黑頭,活化整體肌膚,刺激膠原蛋白製造,提升皮膚彈性及光澤。療程後,華洋芳還會為你塗上中藥紫草根舒緩面膜以作為舒緩及預防皮膚敏感。

坊間有很多控油產品,大部份產品用上多D不錯但這些產品容易令你的皮膚乾燥並未必用於敏感皮膚 因此,要收毛孔 必先清除堵塞在毛孔內的油脂和死皮層! 碳粉激光令油脂分泌線縮小以減少油脂分泌從而達致長效的控油效果及收細毛孔美容專欄作家、又是TVB8節目主持的 Queenie Chan 會定期做碳粉激光去毛孔, 一般來說,3-4 次療程已可看到不錯的效果!現在就可以立即到Queenie Chan的youtube page觀看碳粉激光收毛孔療程是怎樣做的>>

位於銅鑼灣華洋坊今個月開業2週年為慶祝及答謝大家一直對它們的支持碳粉激光收毛孔療程大優惠$1,450重要買2送1添!對於一眾受油脂分困擾的愛美女士,又能錯過咁好既 Jetso!!?


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Manifest Manufacturing, a Customer-Friendly Manufacturing Company in Asia

From small to big scale orders, Manifest Manufacturing has been the top choice among manufacturing companies especially across Asia. The company is dedicated in manufacturing quality items as specifically designed by the client, all in a cost-effective way.

In the industry of manufacturing, Manifest Manufacturing is an expert. They specialize in manufacturing different items according to the client’s product sketch. The company, which is based in Hong Kong, has been preferred across Asia and even among American and European companies. The reason behind this fact is the company’s dedication in manufacturing items cost-effectively, without sacrificing quality. Learn more about them with the following facts:

Communicate Your Concerns Effectively

Although Manifest Manufacturing is based in Asia, time and language differences are never considered problems. The company’s staff is available 24 hours a day, and all are fluent in English. A client can communicate their concerns in every way possible: through phone, mail, email, fax and many more.

Customer-Friendly Order Process

When Manifest Manufacturing has been contacted about the items ordered, all the details about the item will be discussed including the product sketch, the materials required and the desired quantity. The quote will then be provided which covers the estimated costs and the minimum order quantity required. But when a certain material needed in manufacturing the item has become obsolete, Manifest Manufacturing will suggest possible replacements. Clients will also be made aware of changes in the provided quote immediately.

Large Upfront Payments and Commitments Are Not Required

Unlike other manufacturing companies, Manifest Manufacturing doesn’t require large upfront payments and commitments. They also have a small minimum order quantity of 500 pieces depending on the item’s design. Because of this, Manifest Manufacturing is suitable for small and independent companies as well.

In manufacturing different items, Manifest Manufacturing secures high quality product output. For molded pieces, no fillers, recycled or scrap materials are used in order to ensure that the item made is perfect. On the other hand, for electronic-type product, the company can handle complete PCB and electronic design. The client can also choose from the latest technology available for the production of ordered items like usage of bio-friendly components and integrated circuits. For these reasons, quality manufactured items are always obtained with Manifest Manufacturing!

Want to get the latest updates about Manifest Manufacturing? Just add them on Facebook and Twitter so you can stay updated all the time.

Manifest Manufacturing – Get Quality and Smart Manufacturing Solutions

Manifest Manufacturing, which is based in Hong Kong, is one of the leading professional manufacturers in the manufacturing industry. They have smart manufacturing solutions to every item ordered, making them as the top choice manufacturer even across Europe and America.

Looking for a smart and cost-effective way to manufacture your products? Then Manifest Manufacturing is a great solution for your problem. It is a company dedicated in expert manufacturing where quality is always the first priority. Even though the company is based in Asia, specifically in Hong Kong, it is still considered as a smart choice among European and American companies seeking for a trusted manufacturer of their products. Know more about Manifest Manufacturing with their following trademarks in the manufacturing industry:

Best Communication

Some European and American companies are in doubt of seeking manufacturing companies from Asia because of language barrier, cultural misunderstandings and time differences. But with Manifest Manufacturing, all of these problems are eliminated. They have staffs that can speak fluent English, available 24 hours per day so you don’t have to wait for their regular office hours. You can reach them through landline phones, mobile phones, email, fax etc, and you can expect the fastest response from them.

Low Minimum Order Quantity

Manifest Manufacturing has a low minimum order quantity of 500 pieces, depending on the product’s complexity of design. With this low minimum order quantity, quality is still ensured among the products manufactured.

Get the Best Quality in Manufacturing

During the manufacturing process, clients can opt for the latest technology and concepts for the production of their items like inclusion of bio-friendly materials and integrated circuits. All estimated cost in manufacturing is included in the quote, but when a certain material becomes obsolete Manifest Manufacturing will immediately provide the best possible replacement options for the client to choose. Their facility is also 100% ROHS or lead-free, so clients will feel safe with their products.

With Manifest Manufacturing, your items are in the safe hands. Quality control along the manufacturing process is guaranteed in the factory site. Upon production, intellectual property protection is also secured. Truly, Manifest Manufacturing can bring the best in manufacturing your items!

To get the latest updates about Manifest Manufacturing, just add them in Facebook and Twitter so you could always stay updated.

Guidance Software, the Leading Company in Digital Investigations in Aisa

Around the globe, Guidance Software is recognized as the leading company in eDiscovery and digital investigations. Their world-class solutions for each intensive computer investigation need is now distributed across Asia through Manifest Marketing.


Ensuring security is one of the primary investments that any private or non-private company does within their premises. One of the hardest areas for this aim is the digital aspect, where highly intelligent programs and equipment is utilized in order to ensure optimal security. Fortunately, Guidance Software is very helpful for digital investigations. It is now distributed across Asia through Manifest Marketing, which is based in Hong Kong, so more consumers can have the usefulness of digital investigation services for their company.


Guidance Software has a total of five products under their name: the EnCase Enterprise Platform for HR investigation, EnCase eDiscovery for business analysis, EnCase Cybersecurity for digital protection, EnCase Forensic for computer forensic application and EnCase Portable for portable data collection. All of these products are designed expertly in order to meet different demands in digital investigation.


Guidance Software also provides trainings for professional digital investigation. It can be in actual classroom setting or even through online. They also offer special training like EnCase Certified Examiner and EnCase Certified Examiner eDiscovery Practitioner for those who want to take their training into the next level.



The company has eDiscovery Services for eDiscovery needs, Incident Response Services for immediate investigation after security incidents, Forensic Services for forensic-related cases, Customized Solution Services for problems needing customized or modified solutions and Guidance Software Advisory Program for assistance in EnCase products’ compatibility to the customer’s business. These services are aimed at providing professional and expert assistance as well as solutions for digital security needs.

Because of Guidance Software’s global competency in the market, all of their products, training and services are aimed towards excellence. For this reason, security within a company’s digital information is always secured. Popular companies like Ford, Chevron, Mattel, Honeywell and many more have used their products and services for optimum digital security. So for your company’s digital information security, take a look at Guidance Software and see if they will meet your digital security needs!

To keep yourself updated about Guidance Software, just add Manifest Marketing in Facebook and Twitter!

High Quality and Efficient ANPR Equipments from Manifest Marketing in Asia!

Digital Recognition Systems, the expert manufacturer of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) equipments, has brought their products to Asia through Manifest Marketing in Hong Kong. Because of this, the usefulness of ANPR equipments is made more reachable among consumers worldwide.

There are hundreds of vehicles passing by on the road each day. Upon its regulation for public safety and orderliness, ANPR or Automatic Number Plate Recognition equipments are necessary. This equipment is designed to help police and road officials in the regulation of vehicles along the road. Because ANPR equipment is commonly used in the road, it is very important that the equipment must be highly durable and efficient in delivering outputs. Fortunately, Digital Recognition Systems can provide heavy-duty and efficient ANPR equipment through Manifest Marketing in Hong Kong, so consumers especially from Asia can purchase it easily and conveniently.

Useful For Police and Law Enforcement

There is some ANPR equipment designed for mobile and static use. ANPR equipme made for mobile use is ideal for patrol cars, as this kind of ANPR is portable in nature. On the other hand, static or fixed type ANPR equipment is good to use for surveillance purposes. It is usually placed in some roads where heavy traffic or accidents always happen.

Site Security and Access Control

ANPR equipment can also be deployed in parking lots, private property areas and many more. Through the help of ANPR equipment, vehicles entering and leaving the area covered are subjected to automatic number plate recognition in order to ensure safety and protection. The ANPR equipment of Digital Recognition Systems can capture and recognize plate numbers in different languages, so it is also suitable for other countries.

Traffic Control and Management

Traffic management is crucial in areas where heavy volumes of vehicles are always present. Experts have used traffic control systems for this purpose and in verifying its effectiveness, ANPR equipments are very helpful. It can help in gathering data for collection and interpretation, so experts can come up with an effective traffic control plan. Through ANPR you can also know the frequency of car park usage, number of vehicles present in the road, speed of individual vehicles and many other related information that is useful for traffic management.

Digital Recognition Systems can definitely provide your needs in ANPR equipments through Manifest Marketing in Hong Kong. You can get high quality ANPR cameras, engines and processors from them that can absolutely withstand the hard conditions present in external environment. This equipment is also capable of producing stable and efficient outputs, so you can expect to get the best out from Digital Recognition Systems!

In getting recent updates about Digital Recognition Systems, just add Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter so you can always keep updated.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2nd Anniversary!!華洋坊Treatment7折!!

一向標榜”西方美肌 漢方養肌” 的華洋坊, 由香港醫學美容界知名執業醫生許智政醫生創立,旨在推廣中西合璧護膚美容概念,將先進的西方醫學美容技術結合中醫內在調理的基本,由內而外調理肌膚,以達至持久美肌。華洋坊將於本月慶祝開業2週年,為答謝各界的支持,將於9月推出一連串的優惠及活動回饋一眾愛美之士。





女士們如果想知更多有關華洋坊及其他優惠,可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook。


2nd Anniversary!!華洋坊Treatment7折!!

一向標榜”西方美肌 漢方養肌” 的華洋坊, 由香港醫學美容界知名執業醫生許智政醫生創立,旨在推廣中西合璧護膚美容概念,將先進的西方醫學美容技術結合中醫內在調理的基本,由內而外調理肌膚,以達至持久美肌。華洋坊將於本月慶祝開業2週年,為答謝各界的支持,將於9月推出一連串的優惠及活動回饋一眾愛美之士。





女士們如果想知更多有關華洋坊及其他優惠,可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook。


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Manifest Marketing Asia presents: Personal Role Radio by Selex

The Personal Role Radio (PRR) from Selex Communications has been very useful in areas where immediate and clear communication is highly important. Distributed by Manifest Marketing especially across Asia, it is mostly the chosen brand by professional security forces and government police during operations.


Selex Communications is the one behind Personal Role Radio, the key in a clear and fast communication between soldiers especially in battlefields. Its lightweight and compact design makes it easy to carry during operations. It uses 50mW transmit power under 2.4GHz spread spectrum technology and capable in an operating open terrain range of 500m even within three floors of a building. It is also equipped with a total of 256 channels where 16 are directly available to the user. Manifest Marketing of Hong Kong now distributes it especially among buyers in Asia and the listed details below are more of its remarkable features:

Press to Talk (PTT)

Personal Role Radio has a wireless PTT function. This feature allows the user to change PTT setting without losing focus and control to his weapon. The wireless PTT function is useful even within 2m range.

Interchangeable Switch Pack

Personal Role Radio can be easily configured with its interchangeable switch packs. It can be changed into two roles: the Single PTT Switch Pack suitable for users operating PRR singly and the Dual PTT Switch Pack where connection to the PRR and the Combat Net radio is possible. When switching to Dual Switch Interface, the audio from the Combat Net Radio and PRR are heard on the same microphone but not all at the same time as PRR has a call waiting tone for incoming signals.


Audio Ancillaries

PRR comes with audio ancillaries suitable for combat usage. This includes headsets equipped with different features and modes such as high noise, in-the-ear, active noise reduction, low profile, discreet, lightweight, waterproof communication solution and covert tactical speaker-microphone. Included as well is a fully integrated intercom system that is made to fit different range of users.

Re-Broadcast Unit

The re-broadcast unit is capable of doubling the range of scope for PRR signals. This makes it useful for other PRR users deployed outside the range normally covered by PRR. The device also works when there’s little signal clarity during heavy fogs.

With these great features, Personal Role Radio can indeed fit the needs of different users needing radios especially during combats and operations. Fortunately, Manifest Marketing of Hong Kong now distributes this innovative product from Selex Communications so it can be obtained easier especially in Asia. With PRR, expect that communication clarity even under harsh deployments is always possible!

For the latest updates, just add Manifest Marketing in Facebook and Twitter so you can be informed with its latest news around.