Showing posts with label International Antarctic Expedition 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Antarctic Expedition 2011. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CLP Group to Join the 2011 International Antarctic Expedition

A national hero once said that the youth is the hope of the Motherland. True enough, today we need young leaders who will step up and take the lead in making the world a better place for everyone. Following CLP’s highly successful CLP Green Park that was launched last year where in a total of HK$322, 265 was donated to partner organizations of the beneficial green project is another bold move to further the cause of saving Mother Earth from utter destruction. This coming March 3 to 18, 2011, Hong Kong-based electric company CLP Group will join the cause to spread the awareness of climate change to the whole world by sending in five of its bold, young and courageous leaders dubbed as CLP Cool Captains to the International Antarctic Expedition 2011.

The International Antarctic Expedition 2011 or IAE 2011 will start this coming March 3, 2011 and it will showcase a number of missions such as exploring the Antarctic Peninsula and studying the continent’s weakening and fragile environment. To officially start in Ushuaia, Argentina, the participants will undergo intensive training through Robert Swan’s “Leadership on the Edge” personal leadership and sustainability program, which has been tested and used by giant companies such as Coca-Cola and Shell. It was Robert Swan who said that the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. And it is for this reason that the IAE was developed.

The primary goal for this year’s IAE is to create young passionate ambassadors for the environment across the globe. The IAE believes that in order to save Mother Earth - particularly in Antarctica where the ice is rapidly melting – young leaders must be inspired to be the movers and shakers of creating change. And what could be a better way than to immerse these young people into the actual condition and state of Antarctica and its continent. The whole duration of the program (2 weeks in all) isn’t just an ordinary nature trip or a cruise; moreover, it is a mission in itself – a mission that will impact the perspective of the whole team on a personal level.

The IAE Program will focus on personal development, improving communication skills and team building – all essential elements of leadership. There will be distinguished guest experts from the various fields in the environment, developmental studies, management and leadership to conduct the necessary workshops and lessons to the participating team members. And probably the best part of the expedition is when each team member will get the chance to become a part of the 2041 Alumni. 2041 is a global company dedicated to the preservation of the Antarctic. Robert Swan, being the first-ever person to walk on both Poles unassisted, currently works as the president of 2041.

Some of the challenging tasks that the CLP Cool Captains will undertake include visiting the harsh terrains of Antarctica, record temperate changes daily, make a detailed account of one’s own experience, attend debates and trainings, understand the people living in the continent, test batteries that will store energy and to monitor wind turbines and solar panels used in the base. So it is with great pride and honor that CLP Group will be sending again another batch of young heroic leaders to the International Antarctic Expedition this year. Indeed, there is an urgent need to save our planet. With time running out, the best time to act is now. “In our own backyards we can take small achievable steps to protect and preserve the beauty and integrity of our environment and our planet for future generations.” – Robert Swan, OBE.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Project COOL Captains and the International Antarctic Expedition 2011

For the second year running, CLP will send a team of COOL Captains to Antarctica for the Project COOL – International Antarctic Expedition 2011. It’s a journey to promote environmentalism and inspire sustainable thinking towards resolving climate change.

Since March 2010, CLP has organised their team of COOL Captains for this yearly Antarctic Expedition. This year, CLP will send another team on the Expedition to continue the Project COOL mission. Similar to last year, 5 COOL Captains from CLP offices in the Asia region embark from Hong Kong to Antarctica to continue the campaign against climate change. Their goal is to improve the renewable energy (RE) work completed by last year’s COOL Captains and implement their own sustainability ideas.

CLP and Its Vision

In recent years, CLP has been devoting resources to the battle against climate change. They started Climate Vision 2050 with the primary target to lower carbon emissions by using RE sources. CLP recognises that lowering carbon dioxide emissions is a lengthy process, so have laid out carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets for the year 2020. To help with Climate Vision 2050, CLP started Project COOL in an attempt to better understand climate change.

Project COOL

Project COOL is a carbon-zero project, meaning carbon dioxide cannot be produced, advocating the use of eco-friendly power sources for the project’s duration. The Project COOL Team last year successfully installed RE devices on an Antarctic E-Base. This year’s COOL Captains have to enhance the E-base’s RE power and initiate new sustainability ideas for the development of an RE prototype. These goals culminate to one purpose – developing RE sources for sustaining a non-fossil fuel trip to Antarctica for educational purposes.

The COOL Captains

The five CLP COOL Captains hail from different regions of Asia: Hong Kong, Australia, India and China. Each is responsible for contributing to Project COOL’s main mission while sharing their experiences in the Project COOL blog. Publicising their experiences helps raise environmental awareness so others will be inspired to fight against climate change.

Let’s work in tandem with Project COOL and support this fight against global warming. See how the expedition will turn out and discover its relevance in saving the world from climate change by adding them on Facebook or following them on Twitter to get the latest updates.