Thursday, February 25, 2010

VinaCapital2009投資者會議在索菲特傳奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)舉行

葉倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)出席了在河內索菲特傳奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)舉行的VinaCapital2009投資者會議。會議旨在預測越南未來幾年經濟形勢和投資機會。會議吸引了世界各地200多位投資者和商業精英的參加。

Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke attended the Investors Conference VinaCapital 2009 which was held at Sofitel Legend Metropole in Hanoi. The purpose of the conference was introducing the foreign investors about Vietnam market and the investment opportunities in the coming up years. The conference attracted more than 200 foreign investors and business leaders to come.

叶倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)出席了在河内索菲特传奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)举行的VinaCapital2009投资者会议。会议旨在预测越南未来几年经济形势和投资机会。会议吸引了世界各地200多位投资者和商业精英的参加。

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


葉倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)於10月25-27日出席了河內VinaCapital2009投資者會議,她是該集團的合夥創始人和行政顧問。這次會議在河內索菲特傳奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)舉行。VinaCapital吸引了200多名欲了解越南市場和尋找投資機會的外國投資者和商界領袖精英。據VinaCapital報道,越南很好的應對了經濟危機。越南度過了證券市場和政府貨幣的2次巨大挑戰,在2009年GDP上漲了5%。

Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke attended the Investors Conference VinaCapital 2009 on Oct. 25-27, 2009 with a role as a co-founder and administrative counsellor. The conference was held at Sofitel Legend Metropole in Hanoi. VinaCapital gathered more than 200 foreign investors and business leaders who wanted to know about Vietnam market and the investment opportunities in the coming up years. According to VinaCapital, Vietnam faced the economic crisis very well. Vietnam overcame the two big challenges of the stock market and government currency and increased their GDP up to 5% in 2009.

叶倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)于10月25-27日出席了河内VinaCapital2009投资者会议,她是该集团的合伙创始人和行政顾问。这次会议在河内索菲特传奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)举行。VinaCapital吸引了200多名欲了解越南市场和寻找投资机会的外国投资者和商界领袖精英。据VinaCapital报道,越南很好的应对了经济危机。越南度过了证券市场和政府货币的2次巨大挑战,在2009年GDP上涨了5%。

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


作為合夥創始人和行政顧問,葉倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)於10月25-27日出席了河內VinaCapital2009投資者會議。這次會議吸引了200多名欲了解越南市場的外國投資者。會議發言者包括肯尼思•柯蒂斯教授(Kenneth Courtis),主題投資管理公司創始人,高盛集團前副主席,德意誌銀行經理 -—— 馬克•湯森先生,越南世邦魏理仕經理,以及,VinaCapital集團領導人。

With a role as a co-founder and administrative counsellor, Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke attended the Investors Conference VinaCapital 2009 which was held on Oct. 25-27, 2009 in Hanoi. This conference attracted more than 200 foreign investors who wanted to know about Vietnam market. The speakers at the conference included Professor Kenneth Courtis, Themes Investment Management co-founder, former vice-president Goldman Sachs, the Deutsches Bank manager - Mr. Marc Townsend, the CB Richard Ellis manager in Vietnam, as well as, VinaCapital Group leaders.

作为合伙创始人和行政顾问,叶倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)于10月25-27日出席了河内VinaCapital2009投资者会议。这次会议吸引了200多名欲了解越南市场的外国投资者。会议发言者包括肯尼思•柯蒂斯教授(Kenneth Courtis),主题投资管理公司创始人,高盛集团前副主席,德意志银行经理 -—— 马克•汤森先生,越南世邦魏理仕经理,以及,VinaCapital集团领导人。

Monday, February 22, 2010

葉倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)出席VinaCapital2009投資者會議

2009年10月25日至 27日, 葉倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)出席了在河內索菲特傳奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)舉行的越南資產管理公司VinaCapital2009投資者會議。會議迎來來自世界各地的200多位投資者。VinaCapital匯集了欲洞察越南未來幾年經濟形勢和投資機會的商業精英。

Oct. 25-27, 2009, Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke attended the Investors Conference VinaCapital 2009 which was held at Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel in Hanoi. There were more than 200 investors from other countries also came to the conference. VinaCapital gathered business leaders who wanted to know about Vietnam economy and the investment opportunities in the coming up years.

2009年10月25日至 27日, 叶倩女士(Mrs. Katherine Yip Geicke)出席了在河内索菲特传奇大都市酒店(Sofital Legend Metropole Hotel)举行的越南资产管理公司VinaCapital2009投资者会议。会议迎来来自世界各地的200多位投资者。VinaCapital汇集了欲洞察越南未来几年经济形势和投资机会的商业精英。

Partnership with Yahoo: What's in it for Microsoft?

By Josie Tao (Hong Kong)

Let’s talk details and numbers

Back in 2006, oldschool Microsoft wanted to team up with Yahoo to rival against search engine godfather Google. Remember the $47.5 billion bid Microsoft offered to buy out Yahoo? Despite what looked to be a hostile and aggressive attempt that got completely shunned, it is now apparent that the two Tech giants have been in close talks after Microsoft's high profile moves.

With what seems to be shaping as a 10-year deal with Yahoo, Microsoft will be able to tap into Yahoo's Internet search audience and advertisers.

So what does Yahoo have that Microsoft wants?

Microsoft makes the majority of its profits through its software products (Microsoft operating system, Microsoft office). But the personal computer is the the only component that makes Microsoft such a household item---it also has a strong presence in home entertainment such as Xbox and MSNBC. The average living room in America will have a slice of Microsoft in it.

Right now, comScore Inc tells us that two-thirds of the world's search is done through Google---while Yahoo amounts to 7.4%, China's Baidu takes care of 7% and Microsoft (Bing) at only 3.2%. A simple calculation will quickly tell you that only about 10% of current search engine activity occurs in Microsoft and yahoo combined.

Mind you, there is a hefty pricetag for a lousy 10% of combined search engine activity---Yahoo will be keeping 88% revenue from search ads in the first five of the 10 year deal. Meanwhile, Microsoft will pay most of the expenses.

If its not the big bucks, then what is it? Just ask Hong Kong billionaire Li Kai Sing.

Anyone recall Microsoft's advertising campaign tagline in the 1990s "Where do you want to go today?" If we take a closer look at the pattern of how people search online, there are two main ways internet users find information: search engine (yahoo, google etc) and social graph (facebook, forums, twitter).

In 2007, Microsoft paid a fortune for a small share of Facebook--$240 million for 1.6%. Our very own Hong Kong billionaire Li Kai Sing has poured $60 million into facebook.

With a Yahoo-Bing partnership in place and an on-going relationship with Facebook, Microsoft clearly sees the value and influence search engine and social graph play in online activity. Microsoft will soon have both tools to give them a clear picture of internet user behaviour: What are people looking for ? What are they talking about? What's interesting? Not only does Microsoft want to know where you want to go today, but more importantly how can they influence you on those decisions?

Follow me on twitter: josie_tao

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Digital gets Fashionable--or is it the other way around?

By Josie Tao (Hong Kong)

(Image taken from

Next minute you're out

Anyone who watches Reality TV knows Heidi Klum's tagline in Project Runway-- "In fashion one day you're in, the next day you're out". But a look at what is happening at London Fashion week will prove that Fashion is moving a lot faster than what Miss Heidi has anticipated. Thanks to digital and social media, reactions to what's hot and what's not pile up to millions by the time your minute rice comes to a boil.

London Fashion Week brings new meaning to Fashion Forward

New this year to London fashion week is a "LFW Digial Schedule" where you can find information and access to realtime streaming of live fashion shows. Viewers can now have front row seats to any show that catches their interest in their comfortable and less stylish pajamas. Viewers may also watch Fashion Films via the website--one of the most notable movie is probably one put together by British Fashion Council celebrating 25 years of British Fashion with a showing of 25 most stylist and innovative dress designs.
(image taken from

Fashion going Digital= Fashion Editors working a double shift?
Realtime access to shows at London Fashion Week is bound to send Fashion Magazine Editors straight for their 9th double espresso--- now bloggers and fashion addicts are reacting instantaneously to the new looks and styles. Indeed editors reveal that they definitely feel the pressure to duck backstage immediately after each show, interview, or meeting in order to constantly provide updates online. Because lets face it, being fashionable means having access to the newest, coolest and most exclusive---now this information of what is new is no longer exclusive. What's trendy about finding out the latest style a couple days--if not a couple weeks later in Vogue Magazine when that "news" is already day old bread?
Henry Holland and model Agyness Deyn aka Aggy(Image taken from )

Fashion going digital---what's the appeal?
It is no secret that Fashion Week is the craziest and most important moment for designers, not to mention the most stressful--just look at what happened to Alexander Mcqueen. So why add the extra stress of up-to-the-minute tweeting and exposing your collection without the flattering filter of your editor,model,celebrity friends??

The House of Holland even developed a Blackberry application that allows anyone to buy the collection immediately as they see the designs parade down the runway. This allows dedicated fashionistas to get first dibs on designs before they are even launched in-stores.

One key advantage designers like Henry Holland sees in going digital to associating their name to some of the most innovative technology. In 2010, where not knowing what facebook is equals a social death-sentence, going digital means you're one of the cool kids--and this is the most important image for a designer to broadcast.

Follow me on Twitter: josie_tao
E-mail me at:
Visit my blog:

Digital gets Fashionable--or is it the other way around?

By Josie Tao (Hong Kong)

(Image taken from

Next minute you're out

Anyone who watches Reality TV knows Heidi Klum's tagline in Project Runway-- "In fashion one day you're in, the next day you're out". But a look at what is happening at London Fashion week will prove that Fashion is moving a lot faster than what Miss Heidi has anticipated. Thanks to digital and social media, reactions to what's hot and what's not pile up to millions by the time your minute rice comes to a boil.

London Fashion Week brings new meaning to Fashion Forward

New this year to London fashion week is a "LFW Digial Schedule" where you can find information and access to realtime streaming of live fashion shows. Viewers can now have front row seats to any show that catches their interest in their comfortable and less stylish pajamas. Viewers may also watch Fashion Films via the website--one of the most notable movie is probably one put together by British Fashion Council celebrating 25 years of British Fashion with a showing of 25 most stylist and innovative dress designs.
(image taken from

Fashion going Digital= Fashion Editors working a double shift?
Realtime access to shows at London Fashion Week is bound to send Fashion Magazine Editors straight for their 9th double espresso--- now bloggers and fashion addicts are reacting instantaneously to the new looks and styles. Indeed editors reveal that they definitely feel the pressure to duck backstage immediately after each show, interview, or meeting in order to constantly provide updates online. Because lets face it, being fashionable means having access to the newest, coolest and most exclusive---now this information of what is new is no longer exclusive. What's trendy about finding out the latest style a couple days--if not a couple weeks later in Vogue Magazine when that "news" is already day old bread?
Henry Holland and model Agyness Deyn aka Aggy(Image taken from )

Fashion going digital---what's the appeal?
It is no secret that Fashion Week is the craziest and most important moment for designers, not to mention the most stressful--just look at what happened to Alexander Mcqueen. So why add the extra stress of up-to-the-minute tweeting and exposing your collection without the flattering filter of your editor,model,celebrity friends??

The House of Holland even developed a Blackberry application that allows anyone to buy the collection immediately as they see the designs parade down the runway. This allows dedicated fashionistas to get first dibs on designs before they are even launched in-stores.

One key advantage designers like Henry Holland sees in going digital to associating their name to some of the most innovative technology. In 2010, where not knowing what facebook is equals a social death-sentence, going digital means you're one of the cool kids--and this is the most important image for a designer to broadcast.

Follow me on Twitter: josie_tao
E-mail me at:
Visit my blog:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

王敏德马诗慧探残疾儿童 望社会关怀残疾儿童






中新网广州1月24日电 (记者郭军)1月24日下午,香港港安医院慈善基金辖下儿童听觉基金与亚洲著名慈善家、企业家及商界名人叶靖女士(Ms. Katherine Yip Geicke),联同著名艺人王敏德及马诗慧伉俪一行共30人专程来访广东省残疾人康复中心,看望由该基金会资助植入人工耳蜗的聋儿。


