Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Google AdWords vs. Facebook Ads

Social Media Marketing and SEO, ie Search Engine Optimization, are vital to business success. And in that regard, Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are Google AdWords and Facebook ads are the predominating online advertising space to be if you want to reach your customers. Do you really know how well your social media platforms are performing? Would you like to know your engagement rate, growth, important keywords and more? PRDA, Asia’s leading social media agency, provides a free consultation to best assess your social media marketing needs. Contact us here for a free evaluation.
Facebook currently has over two billion monthly active users worldwide. Google Adwords reaches billions of people around the globe each and every day. These are the places to be if you want your business to reach the eyes of your consumers. So Google AdWords vs Facebook Ads– which platform is best for your business?
Here are a few of the key features of each to help you decide:
Google Adwords
Google is the world’s largest search engine with an incredible 2.3 million Google searches per minute. That enormous search traffic is what makes Google AdWords a great place to advertise.
Here are two of the most common ways to advertise using Google AdWords:
  • Search Network: When you search “Asia’s Leading Social Media Agency”, PRDA promptly appears at the top. Basically, search network ads show up at the top of Google search results, like this:
  • Google Shopping: These are eCommerce-based ads that display your product on relevant direct product searches. For example, when someone searches for highlighters your product may show up on the results page, along with a link to your ecommerce shop:
Other ways of advertising include video-based ads, display network campaigns, and AdWords Retargeting. AdWords Retargeting can be incredibly helpful, by helping you retarget a lost customer and win a sale.
Facebook Ads
Facebook is a social network, you won’t find (most) people searching for highlighters or signing up for services. The intent to purchase isn’t nearly as high as when someone performs a Google AdSearch. Facebook Ads still offer incredible value, however, with over two billion monthly active users you can locate almost any target or niche market on this platform.
The most common Facebook ad you’ll see integrate directly into your Facebook feed:
Facebook is also very versatile, allowing you to advertise on mobile, desktop, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger.  Facebook particularly excels when it comes to targeting audiences for your advertisements and allows you to target users by diverse demographics; including job title, income level, age groups, location, and even things like hobbies or favorite movies.  
Google AdWords vs Facebook Ads: Two very different advertising platforms, with different benefits and reach. Both are outstanding places to advertise your business.
Need more help? Reach out to PRDA, our 5-4-3-2-1 methodology has been utilized and implemented more than any other in Asia. Our experienced social media experts will hlep you achieve your Digital Transformation! We also provide a free consultation to best assess your social media marketing needs. Please contact us to learn more.

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