Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Primasia: 2019 E-commerce Trends Social Media Sales

Considering joining Asia’s E-commerce boom? Contact Primasia today for assistance in setting up your ecommerce business in Hong Kong and/or China. Whatever your requirements, we can help you succeed!

Asia’s E-commerce explosion continues to be highly successful for entrepreneurs, with booming online sales and a market base that continues to love the convenience of online shopping. Companies are keeping pace with the changing technology as well as consumer expectations as E-commerce is continually evolving.

E-commerce sales are continuing to increase year by year, and consumer confidence in retail E-commerce sales has reached an 18 year highThus, focusing on online sales in 2019 is a must for most companies, and a forward-thinking approach is critical towards succeeding in the E-commerce market. Elevate your 2019 E-commerce efforts by utilizing emerging trends, like selling your goods on social media.

Social Media Sales
If you aren’t already selling on social media, you’re missing a huge opportunity! You can have the most appealing website (sales platform) in the world, but if no one sees it… it won’t matter. You need to meet your target audience where they spend their time- and more than likely, that’s on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Studies show that people are now spending about 30% of their online time on Social Media.

As you can see, maintaining a social media presence is critical to business survival… but smart business owners will also use it to sell, sell, sell, in the coming year.

Bonus tips:
Most social media platforms now have integrated buy buttons that are able to transfer potential customers to your website to complete a sale.

Many companies could also benefit from exploring apps such as Instagram and Snapchat- an investment in their shoppable stories (clever advertisements) could be wise depending on your target audience.

Primasia is your partner in Hong Kong and China, offering E-commerce solutions that includes everything from locating the most suitable platforms, to account set-up and management, as well as logistics and trade documentation services. Contact us today to learn more.

Connect with Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Headquarters: Suite 1106-08, 11/F., Tai Yau Building, No. 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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