Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Every Business Needs Multiple Social Media Accounts

It’s no surprise that social media and content marketing is the top use of the Internet for both professional and personal purposes these days. Clearly, social networking websites have proven to be an effective marketing tool that many companies are (trying) to use to it’s fullest potential. However, if you have become dependant and focused on only one social media platform and are ignoring the others, you need to expand your horizons now! Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA) is Asia's leading social media management agency and offers a variety of services to their clients such as SEO, Branded Content, Reputation Management, Digital Strategy etc. They are known for delivering success and managing multiple social media platforms for their clients. Here’s why you should be exploring- and using! - multiple social media platforms for your business.
  • You May be Neglecting Your Target Audience: Using only one social media account for business promotion limits your reach to your target audience. Unless you know without a doubt that your audience uses one social media website, you will not reach  your entire demographic with just one networking site.  Thus, it’s better to utilize multiple popular platforms- focusing on the ones you think your target audience will use most.
  • Higher Search Engine Rankings: Content is King for good reason! The more quality content you have online, the better your website is going to rank. If you make your business content available on various popular sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, search engines pick up this activity and your business will rank up much higher. (You need to at least be on page one of Google Search!

  • Better Customer Service Experience: The last thing any company wants is a bad reputation, especially when just one bad experience can go viral across the internet. Multiple social media websites will give you the opportunity to keep track of what is being said about you, allowing you to  deliver a better consumer experience overall. Make sure you are monitoring your accounts frequently- be proactive and respond to any negative comments about your business, products or services right away!

Still having trouble getting attention for your business? PRDA is here to help, with everything you need for Social Media success! Contact them now and get started!

Connect with Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA)

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