Thursday, November 22, 2018

12,000 people joined Hong Kong’s annual Pride Parade

A truly inspirational event! Approximately 12,000 people walked in Hong Kong’s annual Pride Parade earlier this month, including Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 Founder and Co-Chair Dennis Philipse, showing their support for the legal protection of LGBT+ individuals against discrimination. This an increase of about 2,000 people over the year before- many wearing either purple-themed or rainbow-themed outfits and ribbons as they marched from Causeway Bay to Central. The dress code for this years event was “proud purple”, chosen because purple used to be a rare and difficult-to-obtain colour reserved for royalty, but these days it is now accessible to everyone. The organizers of the HK Pride Parade hope equality will similarly be available to everyone one day.

Other prominent attendees included  Chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission Alfred Chan, along with prominent political figures lawmaker Claudia Mo and activist “Long hair” Leung Kwok-hung who lead the parade with a large rainbow flag in hand.

Hong Kong Pride Parade 2018 Highlight of the year: All-Gender Facilities
This year’s focus also addressed the need to make more gender-neutral facilities throughout Hong Kong, such as public bathrooms, in order to promote an inclusive environment for non-binary and transgender people.

Cynthia Cheung, deputy spokesperson of the Pride Parade, spoke at the event, stating that they hope that “more can be done to ensure everyone’s fundamental human rights – everyone is born equal. Why is the government treating us like second-class citizens?” Further adding that “it is the government’s responsibility to provide equal legal protection for the LGBT+ community.”

Hong Kong does not have any anti-discrimination legislation covering sexual orientation, which is why showing support for the introduction of legal protections for LGBT+ people is so important to the local community.  This is another reason why Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 is vital to the region, by providing an empowering experience for LGBT+ athletes and supporters from across Asia, in addition to welcoming visitors from around the world, to participate in a variety of sporting and cultural events.

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Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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