Saturday, June 24, 2017

FGG Site Visit: Saying goodbye Hong Kong style!

The days seemed to pass so quickly with every minute filled from morning to night and not a moment to think about anything but the next venue, civic event, or planned meal, but then in a blink the end was here. But we were going to send the FGG site visitors off with a BANG! After seeing 42 venues in 2 ½ rain soaked days the sun came out for the PARTY! The community reception was open to all of Hong Kong and they showed up in a steady non-stop stream of supporters to PMQ. 5:00 started the media briefing. 
L2R: Mr. Gay World, CoChair Benita Chick, FGG David Killian, Jamie Wong, Lorenzo Pagilinawan KPMG, CoChair Denis Philipse, Simon Blommestijn ABN Amro, Peter Reading EOC
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6:30 the doors opened to the public. More than 60 local businesses brought banners to show their support and the PMQ filled quickly with nearly 700 supporters crossing age, gender, ethnicity and orientation. The community reception attracted LGBT leaders such as Gigi Chao and legislative leaders like Regina Ip. It was an opportunity for Hong Kong to show its melting pot mentality and demonstrate that diversity rocks!
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But the party has to end at sometime and we had a chance for a wrap up meeting before saying goodbye. But thank goodness there was time for cake.
See you in Paris!

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