Tuesday, June 20, 2017

All around Hong Kong island and from bottom to top

The morning started very early for another exciting/ exhausting day. We were all decked out in our business best for a grand breakfast at Hong Kong’s famous China Club. David Killian and the Federation of Gay Games site inspectors awarded Gay Games supporters with honorary medals of participation in the Cleveland Gay Games.

And the real work begins:
A quick change into our t-shirts, shorts and tennis shoes and we are back on the bus for a full day. 
The first stop is City Hall, no not to get married, but to check out the beautiful concert facilities; one of many in Hong Kong. Next we are to Victoria park tennis and swimming facilities. These state of the art facilities hold more than 20 fully lighted tennis courts with changing and shower facilities in the heart of Hong Kong’s beautiful Victoria Park. Including the neighboring facility the total of courts is more than the most demanding tennis enthusiast could imagine.

Next stop is Hong Kong Stadium home to the world famous Rugby Sevens. The stadium is strategically situated in a low traffic area and is accessible directly by the highly reliable and safe MTR. Getting to and from the stadium is no more difficult than a walk to your corner 7-11.

There is far too much to see and do so lunch is on the bus as we head to The South China Athletic Association. This 13 story complex houses everything from bowling to darts. Situated only a few minute walk from Hong Kong stadium it is an ease to get to and from. Now we move from city to country as we cross to the south side of Hong Kong island to see the Stanley Beach followed by The Hong Kong Royal Yacht Club’s world class facilities on Middle Island. The facilities regularly host regattas of 60 or more sailing boats at a time all owned, maintained and provided by HKRYC.

No trip would be complete without a stop at the Peak. This will host the Rainbow Run but for today it proved a wonder wrap up to the day with unparalleled views of Hong Kong.
Victoria Peak FGG Photo June 20, 2017.jpg

But how do you get down from the Peak? It has to be the Tram -- down we goooooooooo.

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