Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner? Since 1987, Primasia Corporate Services has
worked with thousands of overseas and local clients, including
entrepreneurs, consultancies, manufacturers, trading firms, and
start-ups, helping them to set up successfully in Hong Kong, China, and
offshore jurisdictions. That means that for over 30 years we’ve seen
what works successfully in the business world… and what doesn’t work.
an Entrepreneur, you are sometimes referred to as a “dreamer”. And for
good reason-- after all it takes a lot of creativity to come up with new
ideas, concepts or new methods of achieving the tried and true. It’s
essential to take the time to set up a clear business plan of action,
conduct market research, gather strategic resources, and finally launch
your dream into action. But in today’s saturated business ecosystem you
will find fierce competition-- and sometimes this will cause
entrepreneurs to lose their vision as they grasp at any straw in order
to succeed. Clarity is gone.
your dream, your vision, that sets you apart from your competition.
however, and thus you need to be prepared to keep your clarity AND be
flexible enough to change when needed. Tall order don’t you agree? Here
are three strategies to help you stay true to your vision, even when
during setting up your start-up-- and the whirlwind that goes with it:

- Hire Energetic People. You will need an endless amount of energy to be a successful entrepreneur, by hiring team members with the same energy and enthusiasm you can draw from one another to reach your shared goals-- a successful company!
- Complete Clarity. Ensure that every team member knows your vision, has a complete understanding of your company and goals, and knows exactly what they were hired on to accomplish. Every member of your team should know how their specific tasks help make your vision a reality.
- Flexibility. Yes, it’s important to stick to your vision, your core values and mission, but allow room for change. Hopefully you did your research, but even still costs, products, and even your understanding of your target market could need to be adjusted. Adapting to change is essential to company success.
Primasia Corporate Services is
here to help you with many of the finer details of running your
business, including China e-commerce solutions. Contact us today to
learn more!
Connect with Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Headquarters: Suite 1106-08, 11/F., Tai Yau Building, No. 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Website: https://www.primasia.hk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimasiaHK
Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.
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