this? Your business is booming and you’ve reached ‘the glass ceiling’
in your area. You are ready to expand! By hiring and offering the best
candidates places in your company will not only keep your company afloat
but help it thrive.
new staff is one of the most important steps to expansion success, the
people behind your project, your new business extension or even keeping
your current established company’s foothold in the market is critical.
In summary, hiring the right people equals success while the wrong
people… well let's not focus on that. But how do you hire the best and
brightest to help your business succeed over your competitors? What’s
the magic formula?
Answer, there is no “magic” formula. It can be very difficult to find
that perfect person (or persons) that will work well with your business
model, management style, and current team members. But there are a few
steps you can take to see if someone is a good fit for your startup
Thoroughly review their resume.
hiring the perfect person for your business be sure to not only scan
their resume but follow up on it. Call people of references, call former
employers… basically make sure the person you’re about to hire is who
they claim to be. This can save you many, many future headaches.

Decide exactly what position(s) you are hiring for
you start interviewing the hundreds of potential aspiring individuals
wanting a position in your company, take a step back to go back to your
origins: What did you want your business to achieve? What’s in your
business plan? and then, define what type of people you need to hire. Do
you need a manager to lead a team? An accountant? A sales clerk or a
shipping expert? Once you establish your requirements it will be easier
to hire the right person(s)-- which keeps your business productive and
Hire Locally
location, new market and most importantly new customers! It’s
especially important to hire locally when you are expanding
internationally, as your new local colleagues can help you navigate the
new territory-- including fielding local customs, holidays, and even the
climate can make a huge impact depending on your business!
thinking about how you can implement one or more of these strategies to
put your company on the fast track to expansion today.
Primasia Corporate Services is
a leading professional provider of corporate services, with over 30
years of experience assisting companies in expanding their business to
Asia, particularly in Hong Kong, China, and other offshore
jurisdictions. We provide one-stop services from company formation,
accounting & tax compliance to payroll management. When you are
ready to expand your business to Hong Kong and/or China, contact
Primasia to get started. Whatever your requirements, we can help you
Connect with Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Headquarters: Suite 1106-08, 11/F., Tai Yau Building, No. 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Website: https://www.primasia.hk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimasiaHK
Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.
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