Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Accomplish your #PilatesGoals with Iso Fit Hong Kong!


So you’ve heard of Pilates, you know it’s good for you and now you are ready to get started with some classes…..what’s the first step? At Iso Fit Hong Kong we have you covered. We want to help you accomplish your goals in the smoothest, safest, and most successful way possible, which is why all new clients start with a 60 minutes assessment session in order to figure out your best possible journey to health.

During the session, one of our experienced instructors will analyze your body and how you move, thoroughly assessing your strengths, weaknesses and areas of concern. With this information, they will then develop a plan of action for you to accomplish your goals—whether it’s helping athletes improve or assisting with cross-training, rehabilitation for those suffering from an injury or chronic pain, helping a novice learn Pilates basics and movement on the different Pilates machines and Pilates mat-- there are so many ways Pilates (and Gyrotonic exercise) can help improve lives!

Perhaps Joseph Pilates said it best with these wise words:

"Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor." -Joseph Pilates

Just one hour is what it takes to learn how Pilates can better your body, your life.

We complete a thorough 60 minute intake that includes the following steps:
1. Assess and Analyze
2. Explain
3. Introduce to exercises
4. Set goals.

Visit our website here for more details and to learn more about our Assessment sessions, as well as our Physiotherapy Assessment sessions.

Ready to begin your Pilates journey and experience its many benefits? Stop by Iso Fit Hong Kong to schedule your assessment or call us at 852 2869 8630.  Iso Fit Hong Kong is fully equipped with the full range of both Pilates and Gyrotonic equipment and offers both group classes and private sessions, as well as GYROTONIC® & Gyrokinesis training and rehabilitation.

Connect with Iso Fit

Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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