the spotlight was centered on Dennis Philipse at #TEDxWanchai, as he
spoke about his personal journey as a champion for LGBT+ inclusiveness,
experiences with Gay Games 2022 Hong Kong and how sport can be used as a
business case for education and increased LGBT+ acceptance.
is Co-Chair of the Hong Kong Bidding Team that won the rights to host
the 2022 Gay Games in Hong Kong, an amazing win that will mark the 40th
anniversary of the Federation of Gay Games event, as well as earning
the distinction of being the ‘Gateway to Asia’ Host City– as this will
be the first time the LGBT+ sports, arts, and cultural festival will be
held in Asia. Dennis Philipse is also the Founder of Out in HK, a LGBT+ community which brings people together through sports, fitness and other outdoor activities.

7th Edition of TEDxWanChai took place on June 2, 2018 at The Vine in
WanChai, with this year’s them being “Emergence”– putting the spotlight
on changes that occur from the ground up. An inspirational day with a
fusion of Asia’s local and regional thinkers and doers, along with
unique global speakers all from a variety of backgrounds. Speakers
included professional MMA fighters, veterinarians, musicians, rappers,
journalists, and educators, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, and LGBT+,
refugee, and human rights advocates.
About Us:
Gay Games Hong Kong 2022 is an international multi-cultural sports, arts, and cultural festival for those looking for challenge, teamwork, and diversity. Please show your support by following #GGHK2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Connect with Gay Games Hong Kong 2022
Paris 2018 Gay Games Group:
Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA’s Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.
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