Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Writing SEO-Friendly Content: Tips and Strategies

PRDA is Asia’s leading social media agency, our Founder and Business Director Douglas White’s proven social media methodology has been introduced to over 90 companies, including training over 600 professionals in various industries. PRDA offers a full Digital Transformation for your business, with our experts ready to extend your social media reach and engagement. Contact us today to learn how we can help your company thrive!

If you are reading this blog, then our search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is performing just as intended. As an SEO content writer, it is my job to ensure that these blogs, articles, content, whatever term you want to use, has enough keywords in them to attract readers such as yourself to them. The ultimate objectives being to increase brand awareness, search engine (Google) ranking, generate website traffic, and driving conversions. And in addition, to hopefully provide interesting new branded content for both current followers as well as for new followers and potential customers.
One of the most frequent questions I hear is “How many keywords should I be using?”, as if there is a magic number that will instantly make a posting go viral-- attracting huge amounts of followers and traffic. An ideal keyword density is definitely a goal to strive for, but there is not exactly a “magical number” when it comes to writing content optimized for search engine traffic and conversions.

Here are a few Tips and Strategies you may find useful when writing SEO-friendly content.

Search engines have gotten smarter, as SEO algorithms have adjusted to human patterns more precisely. Context, ie how the keyword is used, is now much more important than simple keyword density. For example, if you are just listing a bunch of keywords in a group at the end of your postings, search engines will prioritize your website much less than if you use your keywords in actual sentences. The variation of the terms you use and the overall context of your writing matters much, much more than simply plugging in keywords in a such a monotonous manner. Remember: Search engines ultimately want to match your content with a user’s intent.

Ensure that the keywords you are using are actually a good match for the purposes of your content. You will want to check to see that your target keywords have a high search volume and that they actually make sense for your website, niche or brand. Research is key here, be sure your strategy is on pointe!

Always remember what your ultimate goal is, usually for most businesses this is driving conversions-- ie converting readers into purchasing customers. Other goals may be simply to build followers, your social media presence, or spread brand awareness. Always write with this purpose in mind, with a focus on building a connection with your audience.  By having an end goal in mind when you create content, you will be well on your way to more traffic and conversions.

PRDA provides a no obligation introductory social media evaluation, including professional recommendations best suited for your business. Contact us today to learn more.

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