Friday, August 17, 2018

Boosting Your Customer Base with Social Media Marketing

Every day businesses of all sizes are turning to social media and digital marketing to boost their customer base. After all, finding new customers is one of the biggest challenges that business owners face, new customers keep your company running and turning a profit. To locate new customers and achieve business success, you need to have the right social media presence. PRDA is Asia’s leading social media agency for a reason-- our Founder and Business Director Douglas White is a very high-demand Social Media expert with a proven social media methodology and highly knowledgeable on the largest global ecommerce market; Asia. In 2017 alone, his proven social media methodology was introduced to more than 90 companies, including training over 600 professionals in various industries. PRDA offers a full digital solution, including Content Strategy, Corporate and Private training, Branded Content, Engagement, Risk Management, SEM/SEO, Digital Audits, Inbound marketing, Account creation, Analytics and Competitor Analysis, Publishing, Social CRM and Lead Generation.

The world is now a digital place- everything revolves around the internet, and businesses must recognize this in order to succeed. Sure, brick and mortar establishments have their place but they are not conducive to building a large successful brand. Why focus only on attracting customers in a small area when you can sell worldwide to a much, much larger customer base? By using the power of the internet and social media there are no limits to your company’s reach.

Entrepreneurs should plan to reach as many types of customers as possible, but do not rush into it. Figure out your core customer base first- age range, gender, location, etc and target these individuals first. Then slowly expand your target customers as you grow and are able to do so. You will want to be careful to stay away from triggering topics, like religion and politics, from the beginning- especially through social media.  

Another key step toward reaching customers, especially organically, is to consistently update your social media accounts on as many platforms as possible. Even if it’s just one post a day, that post is key to staying on top our your customer’s minds and feeds. Consistency is absolutely key! Do not post five times in one day and then nothing for the rest of the week. There are programs that can help you with this, though the best way to extend your social media reach and engagement on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram is by hiring social media experts- like the ones at PRDA.

How well is your current social media strategy is performing? Ready for a Digital Transformation? PRDA provides a free consultation to best assess your social media marketing requirements. Contact us today to learn more.

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