Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why Being a Musician Is Good For Your Brain

Musical training can improve long-term memory and protect against dementia. Here, The Asian Youth Orchestra shares other ways music can strengthen your brain!
Science has shown that musical training can improve brain structure and function, strengthening long-term memory and leading to better brain development for those who start at a young age. The brain is arguably the most important part of the human body, coordinating and running all bodily functions such as keeping the heart beating, helping muscles work, assisting the nose in perceiving smells, helping the eyes see, and so on.
For the brain to continue to work perfectly, you need to stimulate it frequently. One of the things that can assist in stimulating and developing the brain is music. Music stimulates the brain in a very powerful way, because of our emotional connection to it. Music can make people feel sadness or happiness, as well as other emotions that can be felt and perceived.
Think: If listeners of music are stimulating their brains, what about musicians themselves?
Musicians tend to be more mentally alert, with faster auditory, and tactile reaction times– they think quickly on their feet!
Much more stimulating than brain-games like crossword puzzles and Sudoku, you’ll find that playing an instrument is both a thrilling and complex experience. You’re integrating information from several senses at once, like vision, hearing, and touch, along with practising fine movements. Learning and playing music can result long-lasting changes in the brain that last far beyond childhood and adolescence. The skills learned, such as stronger memory and reading skills as well as multitasking prowess, can also be applied in the business world and other “adult” ventures.
Experience our premier pre-professional orchestra for yourself! The Asian Youth Orchestra concert tour begins on August 3rd with performances in China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan and Tokyo by Conductors Richard Pontzious and James Judd, and Soloists Anna Tsybuleva (Pianist) and Yu-Chien Tseng (Violinist). Get your tickets early!

Connect with the Asian Youth Orchestra
Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA’s Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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