Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Healthy Pre and Post Workout Habits from utime Fitness

When you want to get in shape, you go to utime Fitness Studio’s, as you know you will have access to the best equipment and training available 24 hours a day. While the gym that you choose for your workouts is incredibly important, what you do before and after your workout has a major impact on your overall results. Pre-workout routines (including what you eat and drink as well as proper stretching and warm up techniques) play a major role in your performance and can help you reach levels that you wouldn’t be able to attain otherwise.
Consistently engaging in physical activity is only one part of obtaining and maintaining good health, good nutrition and sleep, among other factors, are also very important. Building good habits will ensure your muscles recover properly, help you fuel your workouts, and maximize your results. Here are a few good pre and post workout habits to build:
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is important both pre and post workout. Sleep helps you stay energised through every lift or sprint, and helps with muscle recovery afterwards. Common sense, right? Well here’s something you may not know: Sleep also keeps your hunger hormones in check, helping to prevent overeating and keeping your fitness goals on track! Seven hours of sleep is recommended per day for adults.
Drinking water, not soda, not beer, not juice– WATER is crucial to overall health and plays an especially important role for fitness buffs. Replenishing your energy! You should be sipping water before, during, and after a workout.
Post-Workout Nutrition
Refuel within 30-45 minutes after your workout with a mixture of carbohydrates and protein.
This window of time is called the ‘anabolic window” and will help your body recover quicker by replenishing glycogen stores and rebuilding muscle. If you skip eating after a workout, you will likely feel ravenous later on and chances are… you won’t reach for a salad. Try packing a post-workout snack or shake in your gym bag for easy convenience.
Questions? Ask any of our friendly staff at utime Fitness Studio for more info or supplement advice– and remember, we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience!
Utime Fitness Studio Locations

Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA’s Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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