Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Why Your Child Should Study Music

Asian Youth Orchestra (AYO) has always rendered its services for the talented youth of Asia when it comes to music, offering opportunities for Asia’s brightest young musicians for advanced study and performance in an international environment. AYO knows that these sprouting musicians are the main ingredient to the recipe for beautifully composed music, which mesmerizes its listeners. Here we will discuss some of the important benefits on why your child should study music.
Music teaches your child to express his/herself while at the same time it enhances their learning abilities. Although there are a wide number of activities to develop the overall personality of your child at the same time it is important to understand that music has its own benefits such as:
  • Children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons.
  • Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
  • Music teaches patience and discipline, taking weeks, months, sometimes even years to gain the required level of perfection. Practicing daily cultivates the habit of discipline in your child, as in setting and following schedules, meeting deadlines, and consistently practicing for better results. All these traits will help your child to be successful in his or her life.
  • It has been proven with research that music is more than just expression. Providing your child with music lessons can enhance concentration levels, ability to make logical decisions, and memory.
  • Furthermore, a child regardless of age, socioeconomic status and ethnicity can perform better at musical programs at schools as many experts agree that sound, in the form of music, is the first language a child can understand.
  • Music lessons are also known to maintain and improve the individual’s body language, help them to stay calm and composed, exhibiting valuable behavioral qualities among children.
The Asian Youth Orchestra (AYO) has always aimed at polishing youth to perfection while opening their minds to the wonderful realm of music. Nonetheless, for all the services AYO has rendered, the best of all is teaching music at its utmost height.

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