Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Vital for a Healthy Diet

Healthy eating should not be difficult and most of all, should not deprive you of good eats! Adding Flodins pure, tender Omega-3 pork to your dinner table is an easy way to eat deliciously healthy! The higher content of Omega-3 makes the fat melt faster and is deliciously infused in the meat, creating juicy, succulent pork meat. Fresh from the Nordic countryside, Omega-3 pork is really pure and fresh- the smell and taste is just so flavorful! Omega-3 fatty acids are also well-known for having a wide range of health benefits for your entire body and your brain. We would like to present you with a few of the most important ones.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Fight off Anxiety and Depression
Depression is without a doubt amongst one of the most commonly encountered mental conditions in the world. Some of the symptoms include general loss of interest in your life and deep sadness without any obvious reason. Anxiety, on the other hand, is another common issue which is usually characterized by a constant nervousness as well as worry. Interestingly enough, studies have concluded that people who would regularly consume omega-3 fatty acids are better equipped to fight off these conditions; if they get them at all.

Improved Eyesight
One of the types of omega-3 fatty acids is known as DHA. This is one of the most integral components of your brain and the retina of your eyes. If you fail to get enough of this component, you are likely to start experiencing certain visual impairments. By including enough omega-3’s in your diet you are likely to reduce the risk of macular degeneration, for instance – this is one of the leading causes of permanent eye-damage as well as blindness in the entire world.


Promoting Brain Health
Omega-3s are known to be critical for the proper development and growth of your brain, especially in the infant period. DHA is usually accountable for an approximation of about 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in your brain and about 60% of those in your retinas. This is why if you get enough of omega-3s while you are pregnant, for instance, the child could experience a lot of benefits.

In any case, you are going to find plenty of omega-3 fatty acids in Flodins Omega-3 Pork. The more natural the ingredient is, the more of those beneficial substances there are going to be.

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