Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Get Started: Sailing in Hong Kong

The Gay Games Hong Kong 2022 proposal holds an extensive variety of games and events; more than any Gay Games has before! The Gay Games are an international multi-sport and culture festival, run by the LGBT community for everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender, age and sporting ability. Running every four years since 1982, the next Games are scheduled in Paris in 2018 with over 15,000 people expected to participate in 36 different sporting events. Hong Kong is currently bidding to host this event in 2022. LGBT and allies are welcome to participate in various events including games, arts and music festivity. Among these events, let’s talk about sailing.
These are five tips for getting  launched with sailing in Hong Kong:
  • Communication: let people know you want to get involved in sailing and show your enthusiasm and curiosity! You can start by building a database of local contacts, especially any sailors or windsurfers and stay in touch with them to avail any opportunities for adventure onboard.
  • Connect with a Crew: you don’t need to be a member of a yacht club to get involved in sailing. Most clubs have a “crew board” where boat owners announce available crew positions. One of the best ways to get attention from sailing teams is to make yourself available as a “working bee” – someone who does less glamorous but essential jobs like cleaning – which shows commitment. Be reliable too and you have two of the key factors that will see you on your way.

  • Give Everything a Shot: another aspect of gaining experience demands the taste of all waters. You can try all sorts of watersports and programs and decided what pleases you best.
  • Safety First: Sailing, like every other sport, is not easy and needs necessary precautions. You should wear life jacket when there is a need and take necessary safety measures during emergencies. Listen to advice and instructions carefully. Hold on and remember the golden rule: one hand for yourself, one hand for the ship!
  • Take a Sailing Course: Hong Kong is one of the few places in the world that has a requirement that all vessels carrying a power engine capacity over four horse power must carry at least one person who holds the Pleasure Vessel Operators’ Licence as part of the crew. There are several courses available in Hong Kong that offer accelerated learning and tuition to anyone interested in obtaining a licence. Many sailing boats sit dock side on beautiful sunny days simply because of a lack of a licensed member on board.

Be sure to sign up and participate in #GGHK2022 Sailing competitions; partnering with the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC) and GLORY (Gay & Lesbian Organisation for Racing & Yachting).

Last but not least; Hong Kong's bid to host the 2022 Gay Games has been submitted and the initial feedback is WOW!  See all 300 pages for yourself, download available here. Contributions welcome!

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