Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Pork Loin Primer

If you are looking for some deliciously different for dinner, the Pork Loin is a wonderful option. And for sure, it is a great one for entertaining family and friends, all year around. Pork loin is that generous swath of meat from the backside of the pig, and is as versatile and affordable as it is centerpiece-worthy. Flodins Premium Omega-3 Pork is a wonderful option, as they produce extremely high quality meat, and all their animals are raised on farms operating on world-class animal welfare standards.

There is some confusion about a pork loin and a tenderloin. A tenderloin is part of the loin, but many people- including people who you’d think know the difference, do not know all the cuts that a pork loin comes in. Read on to learn more about some of the most popular cuts of a pork loin. Or check out Flodins “Meat School”.


  • The Pork Loin sits along the pig’s spine between the collar and ham (leg) and is another versatile prime cut that can be butchered in a variety of ways and bought with or without bones. It is very lean with a fat content of about 2%, so the meat can easily dry out if overcooked. Most boneless pork loins are around the 3 pound mark and will have a fat layer on the top. Bone-In pork loins can be 13 pounds, the pig’s ribs help keep the moisture, but they also add the extra weight. Larger loin cuts are usually roasted. Whenever possible, the skin/rind should be left on during cooking as it adds flavour and helps keep the meat moist. Many supermarkets will have the pork loins pre-cut and trimmed.

Flodins Omega-3 Tenderloin prepared by FINDS Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui

  • Pork Tenderloin is the tenderest part of the pig. Since this muscle is almost never used, the meat is very tender, which has made it a popular cut of meat. Most tenderloins are around the 1 pound mark, making them great for a weeknight meal, and families. There are larger ones, but they are uncommon. If you need more than a pound, you should buy 2 tenderloins instead of trying to find a larger one. When you are buying a tenderloin, there should be no silverskin attached. Silverskin is a tough outer membrane of the muscle, and should not be left on the meat after it has been cut. If you find a tenderloin with this still attached, you should leave it in the store.

Flodins Omega-3 Pork is great for any meal, as it is always juicy and rich with omega-3. Instead of having ham, a loin is a great option as it is large, flavorful, and a nice surprise. Flodins Omega-3 Pork is now available for home chefs at select ParknShop Supermarkets, in Kowloon Tong, Festival Walk - Discovery Bay Plaza - Stanley Plaza - Wan Chai, Hopewell Centre - Tai Tam, Hong Kong Parkview.

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