Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Iso Fit: Building Core Strength with Pilates

Iso Fit Hong Kong offers many exciting options  which will help you to develop a strong core. Core strength is talked about quite frequently these days, tossed around on various social media platforms- however many people have little or no knowledge about how to develop and build their core strength! Below we will provide some basic knowledge about what core strength is all about- and more importantly how you can develop it.

The abdomen consists of four different groups of muscle. There is the rectus abdominis that is frequently referred to as your “six-pack”, the internal obliques, external obliques, and the transversus abdominis which is the deepest layer of abdomen muscles. You must give equal focus towards building each individual layer because it is very important to give adequate support to the spine as well as help in the development of healthy movements. Pilates exercises include these major components, along with strengthening the diaphragm and pelvic floor.  These four muscle groups combine to form what is popularly referred to as the “Power House”. Lots of time and practice is needed to learn how to activate the Power House, but successful practitioners will achieve a very strong full-body support system, aka, -you guessed it- A Strong Core!

In order to strengthen the abdominals, there are major groups of muscles which play a crucial role in offering support to the entire spine and pelvic region. These include the inner thigh muscles and glutes, which help in wrapping the low back and the hip, also we have the muscles covering the shoulder blades which provide protection to our shoulders. When we work to create significant awareness of these individual muscle groups, and we are able to put them in an actively working state, it promotes better posture and overall mobility to the whole body.

In addition, Pilates will help you become more flexible, as you gradually work on increasing your range of motion, which will promote safe movement not only in athletics but also in everyday life. By focusing on becoming aware of your body, increasing flexibility and building your core strength, you will also reduce your risk of injury and be able to “bounce back” faster, due to the rehabilitation benefits of Pilates.

Having a strong core is so much more than having “perfect abs”. It means focusing on and building all your supporting muscles that help protect the spine, pelvis, and joints of the body, along with creating a proper balance between strength and flexibility.

Get a head start on your New Year’s fitness resolutions this holiday season by joining one of Iso Fit Hong Kong’s fun and energetic Pilates group classes. We also offer private and semi-private sessions as well, stop by the studio to learn more!

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Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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