Thursday, September 28, 2017

Read: Bring Good Health to Your Mid-Autumn Festival



Napue Gin and Pumpkin Cocktails : Bring Good Health to Your Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up, and we have just the thing you need- Napue Gin Pumpkin Cocktails!  What could be better than relaxing in a comfy chair sipping an amazing Autumn beverage? How about making a bunch of Napue Gin Cocktails and serving your friends and family!? Their happy smiles will say it all!
Napue Gin is named after the battleground of Napue and has a unique spicy, sweet, and chill flavor that both you and your guests will appreciate. Thankfully, Food Linkers has managed to export the magnificent beverage out of Europe, and into the Hong Kong market.

Business during the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

We at Primasia would like to remind our international business partners that a major Chinese Holiday is coming, the Mid Autumn Festival also known as the Mooncake Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which means for Western Calendars that the 2017 Mid Autumn Festival will be held on October 4th-5th, when the moon will be at its prime, shining brightest and at its fullest form. The festival was originally meant to honour your ancestors and deities; however, it’s also the perfect time for networking events which lead to magnificent business opportunities and relationships.


Have a Healthy Mid-Autumn Festival with These Tips

Mooncake is a traditional Chinese pastry eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. This celebratory pastry can cause you to gain weight, feel sluggish and  your blood sugar to spike.  We at utime Fitness know that working out goes hand in hand with eating healthy, and so as you prepare for the all-important Mid-Autumn Festival, it is imperative to keep an eye on what you eat. Strive to eat fewer mooncakes, and keep up with your workout regime during this celebratory time.

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