Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Gay Games Hong Kong 2022 Ambassador: Derek Ko

People with physical disabilities are often not well-regarded in the world due to their presumed lack of confidence and abilities. While many assume the Gay Games are only for the LGBT community- this is false! The Gay Games are a top notch multicultural sporting event that promotes equality of human rights on a platform for people from all walks of life and all abilities! Anyone can participate! We are fortunate that Derek Ko has agreed to be one of  Gay Games Hong Kong 2022 Ambassadors; with his inspirational and motivating story.
Who is Derek Ko? At the age of 12, Derek lost his right arm in an accident, but his life didn’t stop there. Despite his physical disability, Derek is a keen sportsman and has made it his mission to help others with disabilities. He has represented Hong Kong in the Paralympics and other sports championships. He also embarks on overseas expeditions, including mountain trekking, caving, cycling and canoeing. Derek has also been awarded the Hong Kong Humanity Award and has been recognized as Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador, Regeneration Warrior, and Outstanding Disabled Person and Hong Kong Loving Heart.
Derek is now the Training Director of the Derek Ko Training Academy. He provides sports training and activities for people of all ages and physical abilities. He also teaches vocational skills to people with disabilities to increase their chances of employment and help boost their confidence and sense of self-worth. In his association with GGHK2022, Derek Ko has shown full support by saying that, “It means a lot to me if Hong Kong can be the first city in Asia to host the Gay Games. Hong Kong can take the lead to eradicate all forms of discrimination and promote equality”.
In addition, Hong Kong’s barrier-free environment for disabled citizens enables easier access for athletes with disabilities to participate in the Gay Games sporting events. Show your support for Gay Games Hong Kong 2022 alongside Derek and many others. Contributions very welcome!

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