Sunday, October 23, 2016

Natural Ways to Boost Your Feel-Good Hormones!

We’ve all experienced that day when we are feeling a bit down.  Just getting out of bed takes too much effort. Fortunately, there are ways to boost your feel-good hormones, such as increasing the amount of your Omega 3 intake through Flodins naturally tasty and tender omega-3 pork.  The next time you feel gloomy, try some of these energy boosting tips:
Begin Your Day With A Serotonin Fix
Serotonin helps to regulate our mood, behaviour and memory. To help your brain in producing a high amount of serotonin, you need to ensure that your body will have an ample supply of amino acids. Try including plenty of the following natural foods in your diet; cashews, legumes, lentils, whole eggs (free range), grass fed red meat, tofu, tempeh, chia seeds, organic cheese, buckwheat and oats.

Bathe in the Sun
A low amount of Vitamin D in the body is often associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder; a condition wherein people who are experiencing long, dark winters are under a state of depression.  In other words, it’s harder to be happy without sunshine! Although Vitamin D is found in liver, egg yolks and some full fat dairy products, it’s difficult to get our daily dose without sunshine or a supplement to help.

Get Moving
There’s few faster ways to increase your feel-good chemicals than with exercise. Movement floods your body with endorphins that boost mood, regulate sleep and clear the mind. Try adding in 30mins a day of movement you enjoy- a brisk walk, yoga or a bike ride are a good ways to start.

Indulge in Dark Chocolate
The luscious taste of chocolate can make us feel good. Good quality dark chocolate is also a rich source of plant chemicals that offer powerful mood boosting properties. These include anandamide, theobromine, tryptophan and serotonin; some of the same molecules that your brain produces when you’re in love!
Nordic countries have a food culture closely linked with nature – their cuisine is all about keeping food pure, seasonal, local and fresh. Good health starts with a balanced, healthy diet- so do your body a favor and invest in delicious, good for you heart foods like Omega-3 pork!

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