Sunday, October 23, 2016

Delicious Ways of Boosting your Metabolism

If you are searching for ways of keeping your body functioning at its maximum capacity, especially during those long summer months, then check out the following Chewswize snack hacks! Along with simple exercises every week, here are some extra ways to use food to assist in keeping your body revved up.
Do not skip breakfast as it helps to jumpstart your metabolism and maintain high energy levels throughout the day. It also helps to prevent you from feeling hungry during the day. For your breakfast snack, try our Brain Energizer snack containing walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and chopped dates.

Having caffeine in the morning helps in stimulating your nervous system, which has a positive effect on your metabolism. Have some pre-workout coffee with our Coffeecobana  for maximum energy and fat burning effects during exercise.

It is important to consume enough protein as it helps in maintaining lean muscles. When you have more muscles, your ability to burn fat and have a high metabolic rate is also improved. Along with a healthy diet, you should also check out our Protein Power snack that offers a rich source of protein and fiber from roasted golden chickpeas, soy beans, broad beans and cashews.

Ginger, chili pepper, and other spices have a beneficial effect on increasing your metabolism. Chewswize offers some tasty Chili and Lemon Pistachios that has tangy lemon taste along with lots of good fats, protein and some chili to keep you energized for longer.


Eating healthy snacks throughout the day helps maintain consistent energy levels. It also provides your body with minerals and vitamins required for fat burning. You can use our Raw Energy Boost snack that features dry roasted soy bean, raw walnuts, and almonds, and dried cranberries and apricots. It is a high fiber, protein and vitamin snack that will make you feel fuller during the day.

Studies show that dietary fiber can boost your overall fat burn capacity by nearly 30%. Luckily, most of the snacks here at Chewswize have lots of fiber from Americana BBQ to New Orleans Heat.

Dark Chocolate
A healthy source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, dark chocolate snacks are great metabolism boosters. Try our wide range of chocolate snacks like the Rocky Berrylicious Road and Banana Slinky Zing among others.

Get 50% off your first box when you place your Chewswize order today to get healthy snacks delivered right to your home or office!

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