Thursday, October 20, 2016

Flodins Master Meat Class

Flodins, leading Nordic meat producer, is hosting an interactive Meat Master Class featuring their delicious Omega-3 pork today at FINDS, Hong Kong’s first and foremost Nordic Restaurant. Chef Jaakko Sorsa of FINDS, known as “Mr. Nordic Cuisine” in Hong Kong, will demonstrate traditional Nordic dishes including a recipe from HKScan Head Chef Risto Mikkola. Chef JunBo Ming of Formosa (one of the finest Chinese restaurants in Stockholm) provided a recipe on preparing the pork in Cantonese style. Praised in its home markets, Finland and Sweden, for its unique taste and health benefits, Omega-3 Pork is the first product of its kind to debut in Hong Kong.

Omega-3 Pork Ribs
Chef Risto Mikkola's sweet and sticky glazed Omega-3 pork ribs, are melt-in-your mouth amazing! Cooked low and slow for several hours, then finished on the grill.

Omega-3 Pork Chop Caramelized with Black Pepper Sauce
These sweet and savory pork chops are the perfect Autumn dish! The stars of Chef Jaakko Sorsa’s delicious dish are thick Omega-3 Pork Loin cutlets, along with maple syrup, wine vinegar and fresh herbs.

Sweet and Sour Pork
A classic Cantonese dish, Chef Ming's Sweet and Sour Pork is perfection in color, aroma and taste! Simple to prepare with naturally tender and tasty Omega-3 pork, attendee’s are able to try this dish prepared 2 ways, with Omega-3 Pork Belly and with Omega-3 Baby Back Ribs.
What is Omega-3 Pork? How does it differ from ordinary pork in terms of taste and nutrition? Omega-3 Pork has 4 times more Omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventional pork. The high quality fat makes it quick to prepare and since it stays juicy and tender longer, cooking time is less critical. The consistent quality of Flodins pork means that the best results are always attainable, for each and every meal. Flodins raises their pigs on small, family owned farms and feeds them a completely natural diet of GMO-free corn mixed with locally grown rapeseed.

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