Wednesday, July 6, 2016

HIV Advocates Wants Key Populations to be More Involved in HIV Response

HIV Advocates, an HIV awareness program, wants key populations to be more involved in the battle against HIV. This organization thinks this will fast track the HIV response. Their position is in agreement with the general stance of the speakers at the most recent UN General Assembly.
During the closing remarks, Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft said that speakers have stressed that the UN General Assembly has the power, resources, technology and knowledge to fast track the HIV response, and end the AIDS epidemic. However, he asked whether they have the will and humanity to make it happen. He concluded by saying that the time for change is now, and the opportunity to successfully eradicate AIDS has never been greater.


HIV Advocates agree that the present is the right time to fast track the HIV response. And to be successful, the key population must be more involved in the movement, especially in Asia, South America, Eastern Europe and Africa.
Malaysia is doing the right thing by involving the key populations in drafting a training module to increase awareness among Muslim scholars and imams. The goal of their initiative is to reduce stigma and discrimination. Their representative said that strong political commitment, effective policies and the active participation of non-government organizations, religious leaders, various agencies, and key populations have led to the drop in the number of new infections in the country. The Government also implemented a plan against AIDS for the year to 2030 in order to complement the global initiatives.
Milorad Scepanovic, the representative from Montenegro, told the General Assembly that punitive policies, practices and law have denied access to services to key populations. Progress He added that progress can only be made by advancing equality and social justice not just in Montenegro, but all across the globe. He also called for global solidarity in order to prevent the rapid spread of the disease.
HIV Advocates believes that stigma must be taken out of the equation in order to make the HIV response successful in the near future. There should be a multicultural approach with regards to key populations, and not just place them in a single group.
HIV Advocates joins the call on the global community to improve the intervention efforts for key populations that include gay men, trans, people who use drugs, prisoners, and sex workers. New HIV infections are often caused by the lack of knowledge about the virus, and how they can prevent it. HIV Advocates hopes that all nations across the globe band together to help combat against HIV. The organization encourages leaders, activists to involve the key populations, and ensure that the HIV response is fast tracked as promised during the UN General Assembly.

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