Early diagnosis and treatment is still your first defense against any type of diseases. Due to the dedication of HIV Advocates to enlighten you about the matters surrounding HIV, they profoundly explained the advantages of the early treatment of HIV. The recent analysis of the clinical trial has created tangible scientific evidence that supports the benefits that you can have with early treatment of the HIV. Experts show that undergoing an antiretroviral right after the positive detection of the virus or during the time that the amount of CD4 is in its elevated state provides a lot of advantages to the patients.
The Advantages of Early HIV Treatment
Last year, during the 8th International Aids Society Conference, which was held in Vancouver, the researchers exposed their clinical findings based on their START Trial. The research was participating by more than 4,000 individuals suffering from HIV and living from 35 countries. Based on the information received by HIV Advocates, all of them started the program when their CD4 cells registered a level of more than 500. The participants were assigned randomly; others were instructed to initiate the treatment at once, and the others were asked to wait until their CD4 cells will drop to 350 or until such time that they acquired AIDS and other related illness.
The initial report was made available to the public last May 27, 2015 which shows that receiving an immediate antiretroviral during the early stage of detection or during the time that the CD4 level is high significantly decrease the chance of acquiring illness that may lead to death. Anthony Fauci, one of the HIV Advocates of the study, told the press that the recent clinical finding only shows that it is crucial for anyone to undergo HIV testing. Furthermore, the result greatly supported the benefits of antiretroviral during the early stage which does not only prevent the development of the life-threatening diseases, but it also helps in preventing the transmission of the deadly virus.
According to reports, the result shows that around 42 individuals or at least 1.8% who belongs in the group that received an immediate treatment has developed an illness as opposed to the 96 participants or 4.1% in the deferred group who acquired illness or die. This typically shows that by undergoing an early treatment, the possibility of acquiring illness will significantly reduced to up to 57%. The development of the AIDS-defining sickness can be decrease to 72% and the non-AIDS sickness to at least 39%.
The recent study only shows that immediate therapy of HIV can hamper the adverse results. It also reiterated the necessity to receive an immediate antiretroviral medicine. With the recent finding, it is now possible for the HIV patients to be healthier in a longer period of time. Because of this, HIV Advocates agrees to the benefits that you can get with an immediate treatment and highly encourage individuals to undergo HIV testing.
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