Tuesday, June 21, 2016

HIV Advocates Supports B-Change

HIV Advocates is an HIV awareness program, which aims to share news, developments, and human rights movements as we battle HIV. We also share HIV success stories, and support various organisations which promote HIV awareness in communities. One of the projects HIV Advocates supports for its outstanding work is B Change.

Founded in 2011 by Laurindo Garcia, B Change Group works towards the wellbeing of LGBT community and allies with appropriate technologies. The core activities include collecting data and encourage people to find supportive and inclusive places using mobile apps and digital products. They facilitate community-based organisations and service providers in using technology to project a positive image of the LGBT community to the world. B Change collaborates with organisations across civil society, government and the private sector in creating awareness, gathering data and using technology.

B Change has conducted research and testing to increase the knowledge of people on access to inclusive services. Research findings and inculcated as interventions built upon websites, social media channels and mobile apps. We share our findings and engage decision makers in business, government and civil society advocating for more inclusive societies.Their main areas of expertise are stakeholder engagement, digital product development and research insights.
They are working towards elimination of discrimination and social stigma towards the LGBT community, and want to impart a positive change in society based on the values of honesty and cooperation. With a team comprising of fresh graduates, our team members can understand the struggle of helping people navigate to life-saving services that are community-friendly.

HIV Advocates which is a global initiative that aims to share news, experiences, strategies and new tools that aim to energize human rights movements and communities fighting HIV/AIDS, is the answer. Supported by Levi Strauss Foundation and powered by B-Change Foundation,  HIV Advocates encourages existing and would-be activists to explore the power of social media and other Internet avenues to help spread the message across - that discrimination and stigma no longer have any place in society and that society should accept the LGBT community members as they are.

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