Sunday, June 19, 2016

HIV Advocates News: The Quest for an AIDS-Free Generation

HIV Advocates is an HIV awareness program, which aims to share news, developments, and human rights movements as we battle HIV. The recent increase in the incidence of HIV positive cases both within and outside of the United States are alarming, and require immediate intervention, both socially and through pharmaceutical means.


In comparison to last year, the number of reported HIV cases included 50,000 new cases, making it a staggering 1.2 million HIV positive people in the United States. A recent analysis by CDC concurred that African and Latino gay men are most likely to be infected with HIV in their lifetime. We’ve come a long way from 1990’s, and recent pharmaceutical developments have allowed HIV positive people to live longer. There may be multiple infections and the risk of viral activation is always there, but the drugs have allowed HIV positive people to pursue their dreams and careers - a feat not possible before. But that doesn’t mean that HIV is not a threat - it still poses a major threat to individuals living with a heavy viral load, who can transmit it to their partners. Especially in women, in whom HIV infection can result in transmission to the unborn children. Prevention is indeed better than cure, and preventive measures are being implemented in affected communities- but the best preventive measure for previous epidemics has been a vaccine. Infection and transmission of bacterial diseases like Measles, Mumps, Meningitis and even viral diseases like Polio and Rubella has significantly declined due to the development of vaccines. HIV Virus have a lot of genetic variability, so it is a difficult process to make a vaccine which targets all the strains of the virus. But recent advances in genetics have made it possible to isolate a particular strain and make a vaccine. Dedication and funding are key elements in the successful development of a vaccine against HIV. It is the single most important preventive measure which can completely stop the transmission in the younger generation.

HIV Advocates which is a global initiative that aims to share news, experiences, strategies and new tools that aim to energize human rights movements and communities fighting HIV/AIDS, is the answer. Supported by Levi Strauss Foundation and powered by B-Change Foundation,  HIV Advocates encourages existing and would-be activists to explore the power of social media and other Internet avenues to help spread the message across - that discrimination and stigma no longer have any place in society and that society should accept the LGBT community members as they are.

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