Wednesday, June 22, 2016

HIV Advocates Blog: We Are With You

HIV Advocates which is a global initiative that aims to share news, experiences, strategies and new tools that aim to energize human rights movements and communities fighting HIV/AIDS.

HIV positive people have a lot of social stigma attached to them. Shunned by friends, and often even family, they are forced to live in seclusion. The process of informing partners is also daunting, with likely backlash from partners. HIV can drive a person into depression, and it is not easy to get therapy given the high cost of symptomatic and antiretroviral drugs being taken for multiple infections. It is therefore important to let HIV patients know that they are not alone.

Granted the stigma is severe, but this does not mean that an HIV patient is any less human than those around him. They need support, from family and from the community, to boost their self-esteem. They still need a job, they still need friends to socialise with - and alienating them will not help them in anyway. Here are things we, as an individual and as a community, can tell HIV positive people.:

  1. You are STILL somebody.
  2. You accomplish things everyday! Laugh often.
  3. Your present is NOT dictated by your past.
  4. You deserve to find LOVE.
  5. You can STILL have amazing sex.
  6. You are NOT what stigma says, EVER.
  7. You are better today, than you were yesterday!
  8. You are healthy.
  9. You WILL live a long life!
  10. You are STILL YOU, and don’t let a virus rob you of your identity.

Don’t let a disease dominate your life - live to fight the disease and win.

HIV Advocates which is a global initiative that aims to share news, experiences, strategies and new tools that aim to energize human rights movements and communities fighting HIV/AIDS, is the answer. Supported by Levi Strauss Foundation and powered by B-Change Foundation,  HIV Advocates encourages existing and would-be activists to explore the power of social media and other Internet avenues to help spread the message across - that discrimination and stigma no longer have any place in society and that society should accept the LGBT community members as they are.

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