Monday, February 8, 2016

Did You Know? Less Than 1 in 4 Teens Has Been Tested For HIV

Think about your sex education in school. What did you learn? Was it enough? No matter your age, sex education is something that should stand out in your mind because it has always been a point of controversy. For many current middle school and high school students, public school sex education is the first time that they have been confronted with the facts. Sadly, the facts presented in schools are not adequate, something that National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day wants to change.
According to various recent studies, there is a rift between the number of sexually active teens and the number of teens that have been tested for HIV. While almost 50% of American high schoolers are sexually active, only 13% have been tested for HIV with 10% saying they are unsure. The incongruency has led to startling statistics here.
  • 133% increase in HIV among gay and bisexual men between 13 and 24
  • 60% of of teens with HIV don’t even know it
  • 50% of STIs are contracted by teens

These are sad and unacceptable rates of contraction according to the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and we want to do something about it. Part of the problem is with sex education in the United States to be sure but legislation can take a long time to change. Because of that, NBHAAD seeks to inspire a grassroots effort to have more people educated about and tested for HIV/AIDS outside of school. Our commitment extends especially to teens.

HIV Advocates which is a global initiative that aims to share news, experiences, strategies and new tools that aim to energize human rights movements and communities fighting HIV/AIDS, is the answer. Supported by Levi Strauss Foundation and powered by B-Change Foundation,  HIV Advocates encourages existing and would-be activists to explore the power of social media and other Internet avenues to help spread the message across - that discrimination and stigma no longer have any place in society and that society should accept the LGBT community members as they are.

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