Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sono Vaso Maternity Asks: What About Pregnancy Cravings?

Sono Vaso Maternity caters to the craving pregnant and nursing women have for fashion flair and comfort while raising their families. Spouses or partners are called on to cater to the food cravings pregnant women sometimes have.


Thanks to online shopping, Sono Vaso Maternity can easily be on call for a middle of the night desire to add something new to her wardrobe. Being there in person to make a midnight snack run might not be quite as easy. Thank you for being there to take good care of the mom-to-be in your life!

Cravings are a mystery. Some women crave salty, some sweet, and some want ordinary foods in extraordinary combinations. Most cravings are harmless, but do check with your doctor or midwife before eating raw animal products like sushi or eggs, alcohol, or anything that isn’t usually considered food. (Some women will crave items like chalk, which may signal a nutritional deficiency.)

The flip side of cravings is aversions--things she can’t be around. We know a woman who could not stand the smell of pet food in her first pregnancy, and due to the smell couldn’t fuel her car the next. Her third pregnancy was “announced” a little earlier than planned because she had to ask a co-worker to walk away with the banana she ate every morning!

No matter what you crave or avoid during pregnancy, your taste buds will be back to normal soon. In the meantime, come to Sono Vaso Maternity for clothes to work, to play, and go out for a satisfying meal in designer maternity fashion!

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