Thursday, June 26, 2014

Intercambios presents 3 ways to Support. Don’t punish People who Use Drugs in Argentina.

On the Global Day of Action, June 26th The Support Don’t Punish campaign focuses on how people who use drugs (PUDs) continue to be abused, stigmatized, tortured, beaten and even killed in the name of the ‘war on drugs’.  Civil society organizations around the world work on this issue year round to challenge the stigma and discrimination against PUDs, and overturn discriminatory laws and policies.
Intercambios, an organization in Argentina contributes to the construction and application of knowledge to drug related issues and people who use drugs (PUDs) with a human rights approach.
With the support of Levi Strauss Foundation, Intercambios designed and distributed three postcards in the local language, that aim to improve upon knowledge and attitudes towards PUDs and ultimately lead to health and human rights centered approaches in Argentina.
These three postcards are targeted at three audiences; the general public, support teams working with drug users, and people who use drugs. They were distributed during training sessions with government, civil society and activist organizations throughout Argentina.
Salutation urges the general population to challenge the personal attitudes and behaviour towards PUDs. A self-administered survey is included that aims to check the perceptions of PUDs that each person has.

“If in your neighborhood there are boys and girls who use drugs, let them know that they are not invisible for you.”

Giving the First Step is targeted at health workers, teachers or other community organizations who have contact with PUDs to inspire them to re-think and re-evaluate about what can be done differently in their approach.
“If we want to approach a person with problematic drug use, accept that they may want something different from what you think is best for them”
The third brochure, There are no reasons for discrimination, has been distributed amongst PUDs where positive affirmation is given to the experiences of PUDs, their families and community organizations. The postcard higlights the potential of collective organization for better drug treatments.

“Do not be a prisoner of other people’s prejudices. The fact that you use drugs is no reason to be discriminated”.

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