Monday, June 30, 2014

Let JamiQ Help You Discover The Influencers For Your Brand

Every single day, online conversations about your brand occur. Some people may like your brand, some may not. Some may recommend your brand, some may not. Naturally, you would want to tap those who like and recommend your brand. The question, though, is - how do you know exactly who these people are? Is there a way for you to efficiently identify them? How can you contact these brand influencers and perhaps even give them more reasons to love your brand?

JamiQ, an award-winning software, is the answer! JamiQ lets companies listen, measure and gain insights from online conversations about brands. And, yes, JamiQ, through its proven framework, helps you discover the most influential bloggers in your market, and takes your social media engagement to the next level.


Discovering the influencers plays a great and effective role especially in marketing and public relations. By regularly tapping them, positive word about your brand will circulate. The people who also follow these influencers may not only purchase or patronize your brand, they may even recommend it to others as well!


Want to see JamiQ in action and know who your brand influencers are? Request for a free demo! Send email to

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