Monday, January 20, 2014

Chunky Onion Productions Presents: Corporate Role-play Communications Training

You’ve made a commitment to excellence in your business. To achieve that excellence, and to maintain it consistently, you need to maximize your staff’s development and to create proactive solutions that meet your commercial objectives. 

Chunky Onion Productions is your answer. Utilizing professional actors and employing highly experiential interactive drama exercises and role-play, we teach memorable, transferable behavioral skills, and custom-design business solutions in collaboration with your own department and frontline managers.

Chunky Onion Productions has deep roots in theatre and drama-based training. Our skilled actors employ drama and role-play techniques to deliver communications training to businesses across the Asia-Pacific region. We have multi-lingual capabilities (Cantonese, Mandarin and English). Our “Asian Roots” and Western influence allow for true cross-cultural communication.

We can help your staff members prepare for a future event or encounter, and improve abilities within a job or assignment. We can aid you in conflict resolution, explore diversity issues, and improve teamwork. We can assess an individual’s competencies against other individuals in a controlled environment. Chunky Onion Productions’  Forum Theatre-based learning demonstrates how your own behavior affects the behavior of those with whom you are communicating. Our actors draw upon their drama expertise to replay scenarios using alternative behavioral characteristics: they respond to interaction realistically and “in character,” displaying anger, interest, and empathy as appropriate to the communication.

In this way, Chunky Onion Productions is able to illustrate to the group how one’s own behavior and language influence the outcome of a communication with a colleague, a stakeholder, a client, or a customer.

This realistic training creates a very safe environment that encourages risk-taking and self expression. And our confident, experienced actors ensure that your training is always interesting and engaging.

We are more than “just” a Theatre Company – We are a business, committed to excellence, that fully and deeply understands your commitment! Call us today at +852 3188 1874. Let’s role play together!

For more information about Chunky Onion Productions, visit the website:

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