Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Top Tips for a Healthy New Year


The year 2020 is less than six weeks away, with most celebrating (or planning to celebrate) the holidays with a fair amount of indulgence. This may be one of the reasons so many goals (or resolutions) for the New Year are often related to our exercise and nutrition. The expert staff at Iso Fit Hong Kong are here to help you accomplish your fitness goals in the smoothest, safest, and most successful way possible. Our studio is fully equipped with a full range of Pilates and Gyrotonic equipment- we also offer both group classes and private sessions, as well as GYROTONIC® & Gyrokinesis training and rehabilitation.

In the excitement of the New Year’s celebration it's easy to be full of good intentions- you see people flood into the local gyms and get started on a new and healthier lifestyles. Which, for many, doesn’t last very long. People lose their motivation and fall back into old habits and unhealthy patterns. If a healthier you is what you want, keep that desire strong throughout the year. New habits are not born overnight; you have to keep working at them.


Find a fitness activity that you enjoy!
Try something new or focus on finding a fitness class that you know you’ll look forward. For example, many new clients enjoy our TRX Pilates Blast- a fun and energetic class fusing Pilates exercises with the TRX! Click here to see our Group Classes.

Take care of your body
Push yourself too hard, too early, and your body may break down on you. Focus on preparing your body for the exercise that you want to perform. A lower impact Pilates workout is great for your health, and easier on the body.

Focus on small achievable goals.
Break your ultimate goal down into smaller achievable goals, this way you can see more immediate progress and stay encouraged throughout the year. For example, if you want to lose 10kgs, your goal might be to lose 0.5kg-1kg per week.

Share your goals with the people in your life.
Having the support of others can both inspire you and hold you accountable. After all, you will not want to tell your loved ones that you have given up. You may even inspire others to join you on your fitness journey!

At Iso Fit Hong Kong our clients always come first, and so we design our services to represent the best value for the money. Simply stop by the Iso Fit studio in Central, visit our official website, or call us to learn more.

Connect with Iso Fit

Credit: Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA): PRDA's Founder Douglas White developer of proven 5 step, 4 KPIs process of Social Media Marketing.

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