Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Know Your Target Audience: PRDA's Tips for Social Media Success

Understanding your audience is essential to social media success. And a few basic psychology principles is the best way to accomplish this. Asia's most successful and leading social media agency, Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA), offers a variety of social media marketing services to their clients. The experts at PRDA can assist your business in knowing who your customers are, what they like and what will best increase their response to ad-campaigns and brand-generated content.
Here are few of the most important concepts you can put to work in your social media strategy.

Know Where and How Your Customers Spend Their Time
According to studies, the majority of internet users spend at least 30% of their time on social media.  Currently, YouTube leads the pack with most an average of 40 minutes spent in a day, followed by Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. Internet users also spend time reading emails, playing online games, reading blogs and more.
To find your audience, search for your competitors online, and take time to browse their social media pages. What content seems to be best received? Shared? Are they video, photo’s, articles, what subjects are being covered? All of this data, plus more, is key to planning your social media strategy and helping you delegate where you want your advertising money spent. 
Create Content That Deeply Connects With Your Audience
Users typically go on the internet to do three things; search for information; to perform actions such sending emails, or work-related activities, and lastly for entertainment.
Currently, internet users are going on Facebook and YouTube to watch videos. Could generating fun, educational videos about your brand engage your audience? Definitely. But this is often cost-prohibitive for new small businesses.  
Whatever you decide to post on your social media platforms, track it. Collect and interpret the data- find your posts with the most likes, your video’s with the most views and know the people who are loving them and leaving positive feedback. These people are your audience, and future content should be similar or more engaging. When done correctly you will slowly build up your fan base, and create awareness for your brand.

Facebook Ads
Facebook ads are highly recommended once you know your audience. You can tailor the ads to target a particular geographic region or demographics (age, gender). You can create separate ads for each segment and run them at the same time. After running the ads, which are low-budget with prices as little as $1 per day, you can measure the conversion. You get insights on the people who viewed the ad, and the number who followed the link to your website. This allows you to find the audience that is most receptive to your brand and decide an appropriate future course of action for posts and marketing efforts. 
The bottom line: Understanding your audience is the best, most effective way of creating social media content. Ensure that you have entertaining content that prospective customers will love and share. Need to slay the competition with the perfect Social Media Marketing strategies? Prosperity Research Digital Agency(PRDA) has got everything you need! Learn where your brand stands among competitors with PRDA’s Free Facebook Report and Competitor Analysis.

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