Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Transport Yourself to Scandinavia at FINDS Restaurant Where the Omega-3 Pork Shines


When you think about Scandinavian countries, you probably think about untouched landscapes, magnificent fjords, and maybe, just maybe, ruthless Viking warriors with long braids and battle axes. Of course, the Viking Age has come and gone, but the pristine natural environment remains a trademark of Nordic countries. It is on this untainted land that Finland’s leading meat producer, HKScan, raises some of the finest livestock in the world including Flodins omega-3 pork.


Nordic people care about the food that they put in their bodies and that is why HKScan has gone to great lengths to make Flodins omega-3 pork the healthiest pork possible. By closely monitoring the farming habits, feeding practices, and environment surrounding their animals, HKScan has been able to create omega-3 pork with a lower fat content than traditional pork. As a bonus, omega-3 pork is also moist and delicious, a positive side effect that FINDS Nordic Restaurant puts to good use in their kitchen.

As the only Nordic restaurant in Hong Kong, FINDS has a reputation to uphold, especially when it comes to omega-3 pork. Boy, do they come through. FINDS serves an array of omega-3 pork dishes, including pork ribs, pork belly, and pork tenderloin. The ribs are slow cooked for 4 hours while the lean tenderloin is smoked to perfection. Finally, if you still haven’t gotten your pork fix, the pork belly is roasted and served atop a bed of vibrant red beet risotto. Yum!

Now, when you think about Nordic countries, you should think about the best farmland and the best farming practices that this earth has to offer. Luckily for Hong Kongers, you don’t have to travel thousands of miles to taste the wonder of Nordic-produced meat from HKScan because FINDS is serving it in your backyard. So, when you think FINDS Nordic Restaurant, think omega-3 pork.

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