Monday, April 18, 2016

Elegant Kitchen and Dinnerware From Bamboa Home Supplies

12565447_940673255986020_7394142586981024091_n.jpgYou might not think that bamboo would make an ideal material for crafting bowls and plates, but you would be wrong. Bamboa uses pressed bamboo fibers to make a wide variety of objects for use in the kitchen including bowls, cutting boards, serving spoons, chopsticks, and platters. The best part about all of these products is that they are completely natural and completely biodegradable. In fact, all Bamboa Home kitchen accessories will biodegrade within two months of being buried in the ground!

So sure, Bamboa Home makes environmentally-friendly kitchen products, but do they work? The answer is a resounding yes. Because bamboo is such a durable and resilient material, Bamboa Home products are incredibly functional. They are lightweight, dishwasher-safe, and can be used with hot and cold foods. Just about the only thing you don’t want to do with bamboo is put it in the microwave.

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