Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marketing in the Social Media Age

Social media serves as the hub for information on the web. Most brands depend solely on social media for their marketing needs. Clients can often be overwhelmed by haphazard volumes of information, and hence Infographics came into existence. Infographics serve as a means of providing bite-sized pieces of information, easy to interpret and easily digested., the most popular infographic site, reports that an infographic has the potential to reach 15 million views. Furthermore, a post on Facebook, LinkedIn or StumbleUpon can reach 100 times more people than an ordinary infographic. Most infographics are tweeted as it relays plenty of information in the limited character space.
While infographics encompass a wide range of categories from Entertainment and Health to Human Rights, a whopping 12.7% of them are used to promote businesses. With the potential to reach a global audience, small brands consider infographics a gem in social media marketing. 

Surprisingly, the popularity of infographics is predominantly concentrated in Asia with mediocre percentage of views in Europe and USA. Compared to the 60% popularity in Philippines and the 100% outreach in Singapore, Netherlands has a mere 41% popularity and less than that in Chicago. But even these statistics prove that infographics have eased marketing on social media in a short span of time since their existence.

JamiQ assists brands in promotion and managing brand outlook on social media. JamiQ solutions incorporate all aspects of online marketing, easing the work of our clients while also increasing customer dependency and satisfaction. Contact JamiQ and find out more about how social media solutions are a necessity for your brand.
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