Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Understanding the complicated, sophisticated China online shopper

Are you engaged in the online retail business in China? Or do you intend to? You might be fascinated to know that in China, almost half of the online shoppers have this tendency to complain by making a phone call to the customer service department of that website and leave a complaint on the said online retailer company’s website. Are you ready to face this 50 percent, if and when these complaints come rushing in? Interestingly, about 20 percent of the online shoppers in China who are not satisfied with the product or service will simply leave and will never ever buy from that online retailer website again.

According to a survey conducted by iResearch during last December as well as this January, complaints by dissatisfied customers will be likely coursed through the customer service phone line. This accounts for about 45.8 percent. In second place comes the tendency of these dissatisfied clients to complaint at the website’s guestbook. The next things that the China online shopper would do include doing nothing but never buying from that website ever again, complaining at online forums and finally, complaining to a consumer association. If you ask us, best thing to do in order to avoid these circumstances would be to put up an effective and time-conscious phone line where customers can easily air their grievances, put up a working contact form or even a live chat feature where customers can easily interact with a knowledgeable customer service representative and most importantly, hire a social media agency or digital agency that knows how to protect your brand online. Brand reputation, after all, is very important and if ever there comes a time that a customer will air his or her grievances online, at least you have an agency that can also pump up the good things about your company or about your online retail business. Believe us, it’s good investment.

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