Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Turn a funny tweet about your brand into something positive and score --- big!

During a heavy storm in Beijing, China recently, a Sina Weibo user cleverly posted a humor tweet about him using a few Durex condoms as “protection” for his shoes. The Weibo user documented his entire plan - from opening a Durex condom pack to slowly covering an entire shoe with the condom to flashing both “protected” shoes for the camera - and for his followers - to see and comment on. For him and his 8,000 followers, it may have just been a prank - a funny thing to do in an effort to make light of the situation. After all, they were in the midst of a storm and if condom protected shoes would lighten up everyone’s worries, then why not, right? The question on everyone’s mind, though, was if Durex would take it as something positive or negative. Durex decided to take it positively. And they apparently made the right decision because they scored big! (no pun intended hah!)

In a matter of minutes (2 minutes to be exact), Durex “retweeted” the humorous post and interacted with the people who replied, sent in comments or gave reactions. It was great - and FREE - publicity for the brand and yes, a wonderful opportunity for the brand to interact with existing and potential customers.

It was social media 101 at its finest. A brand used the power of social media to engage and not just inform its target audience. A brand used the power of social media to hear what its audience had to stay and what its target market had to think of. For marketing mavens, it was a good move for Durex and certainly it helped create very good brand recall for its products. It may have taken a humor tweet to stir things up but at the end of the day, we all know that the out-of-the-box ideas usually get the most favorable feedback.

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