Thursday, July 29, 2010

wireless headset for hands-free communication in Asia

From Manifest Marketing Asia and Phonak Communications. Asia is quickly becoming a hub for large scale events and exhibitions. However, many event management teams are still a little green when it comes to crowd control and security. The Shanghai Expo in China proved to be one of the most chaotic and disorganized exhibitions in 2010. Ideal for team communication at concert halls, large scale exhibitions, hotel security, event management and crowd control, Phonak Condor is a useful tool to ensure effective teamwork.

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Phonak Asia has developed a line of hearing aids that would ensure clear communication in crowded and noisy situations. Phonak’s CONDOR, is a hands-free mobile hearing systems that allows a team of up to 6 members have 'full-duplex' communication. This simply means that colleagues can talk and listen simultaneously without having to press a button as you would with a talkie talkie). While a team of six can communicate freely using phonak audeo's Condor, an unlimited number of staff can also listen in to the conversation over the closed Condor network.

With a comfortable earpiece that is designed for a long time usage, Phonak Condor provides clear communication as well as hearing and noise protection. Also, CONDOR is that it doesn’t
need a base and is completely mobile. The mobility of condor is what security team in Asia are looking for since it can be used in a network with a range of 800 meters. CONDOR is integrated with the latest digital encryption technology for total security as well as taking confidentiality on the highest level.

Manifest Marketing Asia has seen the potential and ability of PHONAK’s in providing and developing the latest technology that could be used by a network that could not be interfered even with the noisiest environment . PHONAK introduces CONDOR all over Hong Kong and received substantial and good reviews because it offers the best and robust tool for security monitoring that it is simple and easy to use.

For more details about phonak’s condor, Please visit Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter.


作者: Mavis Fan (香港)

一間公司投資在社交網絡的成功不是取決於Facebook有多少朋友,Twitter有多少追隨者,這不 是計算品牌的主題有多時尚或YouTube有 多少的意見。而事實應該是和其他標準的營銷渠道如電視廣告、雜誌平面廣告等一樣,網上營銷策略有否推動你的業務?

由於受到經濟危機的沖 擊,在2008年初,連鎖咖啡店星巴克(STARBUCKS)的銷售已經開始下滑,固該連鎖店於2008年7月初推出一個論壇,讓消費者提出意見及問題,並在某些情況下, 讓他們發洩對星巴克的 不滿。至現在,該網站現己有 18萬註冊用戶。 用戶提交了8萬個意見,其中有50個意見被接納並已實施在店內。

星巴克Facebook累積了570萬的粉絲和在Twitter累 積了77.5萬的追隨者,但如果星 巴克有了這人脈、網絡,卻從不知道為什麼消費者喜歡星巴克這這個品牌、消費者的意見,那網上營銷仍算是失敗,星巴克就會白白浪費這個優 勢。所以星巴克很快便 發現並利用網上營銷渠道,與消費者建立關係。首先,星巴克開發了一個論壇聆聽和接納消費者的意見,而且在去年夏天,他們在Facebook舉行了免費蛋糕優惠,消費者可以到訪他們的網站或Facebook上的網頁並下載一張免費的優惠券。

星巴克在社交網絡宣傳上成 功,是因為他們不在乎於Facebook有570萬什至更多的粉絲,然後向他們推出硬銷式的宣傳。而是因為他們 直接透過社交網站與熱愛星巴克的 人分享意見,討論他們喜愛的飲料,參與消費者的對話。久而久之,粉絲更主動的詢問星巴克的動向和有更多的粉絲參與對話。由此可見,現在的營銷模式已經轉 型,利用社會網絡媒體宣傳的好處是你不需要花費大量金錢,你只需要花費時間,但是物有所值。

若有任何意見歡迎到facebook與 我聯絡或到我的微博關注我吧!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wireless Communication made clear in Asia

(Manifest Marketing, Hong Kong)

PHONAK Serenity DPC distributed in Asia by manifest Marketing has been providing the best noise cancellation and hearing protection technology throughout Asia and continues to develop its product with the help of Manifest Marketing.

Serenity DPC is a headset and earpiece perfect for noise control , hearing protection and securing good communication in busy nightclubs, crowded concerts, loud events, racing competition and popular exhibitions. One of the best gadgets available now in the market is probably the SERENITY DPC, a dynamic hearing technology developed by Phonak which is expert in audiology and sold throughout Asia by Manifest Marketing. Serenity DPC enables people to communicate clearly even in extremely noisy environments. Loud sounds and even gunshots can be limited to a comfortable level wherein people can communicate with each other especially in giving clear instructions and information by the earplugs.

Pilot and user Jean-Louis comments, " It was just fantastic,” he says. “The system was easy-to-use, comfortable, and it protected me both inside the cabin and outside the helicopter. I wore it regularly for six hours or more; no noises sounded too loud and I could communicate normally.” Phonak Serenity DPC provides an intelligent, adaptable, reliable system that would protect the user comfortably for hours at a time.

No more disturbing static and loud noise that can make interrupt the delivery of crutial information or hearing.

To know more details about SERENITY DPC from Phonak. Visit their distributor in Asia, Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates.

Sunday, July 25, 2010




於09年1月,英國Twitter用戶,34歲的保羅 史密斯(Paul Smith)想去新西蘭坎貝爾島遊玩,希望依靠世界各地「博友」幫助在30天內到達目的地。

出發前史密斯為這次旅程定下多條規矩,他只接受Twitter用戶幫助,旅程路費、食宿由「博友」支付,不會停留一個地方超過2天,若2天後無處可去便宣佈挑戰失敗。09年3月1日史密斯正式出發,期間途徑荷蘭、法國、德國和美國等地。途中他為一家名為「水」的慈善機構籌得5000英鎊善款。09年3月30 日到達新西蘭,可惜最終「博友」未能為史密斯提供到坎貝爾島的船隻,這個免費旅程被逼提早結束。

史密斯這次旅程行程、住宿全由「博友」安排,熱情「博友」來自各行各業,為他提供酒店床位、船票、機票。史密斯在旅程中不斷更新微博,讓「博友」知 道自己動態,雖然未能到達坎貝爾島,史密斯卻認為能提早回家與新婚妻子團聚未必不是一件好事。史密斯表示30天旅程讓他感到團體力量的強大,旅程改變了他 的一生,今後他將會多與給自己提供幫助的「博友」交流。


作者: Frek Cheung
與我聯絡: Facebook: Frek Cheung

Thursday, July 22, 2010


作者: Mavis Fan (香港)


根據調查顯示,2010年之前"80後"的一群年青人會超過嬰兒潮的數目,他們當中的96%會加入社交網絡,而更有趣的是社交網站將取代色情工業成為網路首要活動,我可不知道原來色情網站一直是網路的首要活動!你們又知道社交網站比其他傳播媒體的優勝地方嗎?那你們要看看以下的數據了: 廣播(radio)花了38年才達到500萬人門檻電視花了13年達到5000萬人門檻網路只花了4年就達到5000萬人門檻,IPod呢?只花了3年就達到5000萬人門檻facebook在過去9個月增加了一億用戶,而apple的應用程式在9個月內下載了10億次。可以想像,如果facebook是一個國家,它是第四大的了!而以現在統計,八成Twitter用戶是透過手機隨時隨地更新內容最近看到一段短片,很搞笑的呈現了Twitter這類的微網誌世界。

Twouble with Twitters: SuperNews!




Primero Asia : Custom earpiece for clear communication

Summary: Primero is the leading headset for an clear transmission of information that can be made even on the noisiest environment because of PHONAK uses the best noise protection technology.

Have you ever walked through the sidewalks of Hong Kong near construction sites? Noise coming from heavy duty machinery, drilling are intolerable. Communication in noisy areas like this is possible in such areas since Manifest Marketing never fail to provide a communication solution for noisy environments or crowded areas in all countries here in Asia. PHONAK's easy to use earpiece is popular amongst event managment personnels, nascar car racing crew, construction site managment and even helicopter pilots.

primero_DPC_6655af771c.gif primero_new_8eab0903b1.jpg

In securing a public or private establishment in Asia, clear communication is essential for teams to take and recieve clear instructions. Phonak's Primero eliminates confusion and blocks any noise that may affect the transmission.

PHONAK COMMUNICATIONS, in partnership with Manifest Marketing, launches a new technology that allows clear and efficient transfer of information to those who are working on public and private security. PHONAK launches PRIMERO as a communication tool that would make transmission of information clear in the noisiest environment. Primero is a small earpiece that has a noise cancellation technology and can be used comfortably by any person. Phonak aims in providing small yet efficient gears that would be very much useful for security team. Primero is also a premier gadget as motorcycle communication headset and is wearable even with helmets.

Manifest Marketing provides all alternatives as what users do need for noise reduction technology that is very much possible together with PHONAK. Primero proves to be viable as it offers good speech transmission and is thoroughly used in crowd surveillance and monitoring especially on crowded places and streets in Hongkong.

For more details, visit Primero's distributor in Asia, Manifest Marketing on Facebook and Twitter to get the lastest updates.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Asia High Technology: A Safe and Reliable Hard-Wire Shrike Exploder

Shrike Exploderis a fully approved hard-wire exploder and it is currently in service with more than 44 countries worldwide. It is also one of the high technology products of Chemring EOD Limited which is distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing , Hong Kong.

Chemring EOD Limited was established on November 3rd, 2008. The company designs, supplies, and manufactures worldwide to the Defence, Security and Police markets. Our products are high, quality, performance, reliability and safety of use which are without compromise.

Shrike Exploder has proven itself as a safe, reliable and cost-effective system for the initiation of explosives, mines, pyrotechnics, and other electro-explosive devices (EED). There are two versions of Shrike Exploder now available are: Shrike MKV and Shrike MK1V.Shrike MKV for use with standard NATO detonators and Shrike MK1V for the latest VA safety detonators which require a higher energy firing output.

Accessories for the Shrike include:

Shrike Test Meter: provides an accurate means for functionally testing Shrike and Mini Shrike and measuring line impedance.

Shock Tube Adaptor: is a lightweight accessory which offers the user the option of adding Shock Tube or Nonel initiation techniques as opposed to existing wire connection detonator lines for any suitable explosive application.

8 Way Adaptor: provides a simple and reliable means of doubling the number of output circuits from the Shrike Initiator and is suitable for use in perimeter defence situations as well as battlefield simulation.

Fault Locating Tools: are used with the initiator to check and test circuits.

Mains Charger

In-Vehicle Charger


Size: 140x 95 x 45 mm

Unit Weight: 420g

Output Voltage: 319 - 400V

Output Energy: Typically 12J/Minimum 6.8J

Output Load: Up to 400 Ohms each circuit

Arming Time: Typically 2 seconds

Safety Features of the Shrike include:

Shrike must be primed before any circuit can be fired, requires the operation of two independent push buttons.

The outputs is inhibited when the exploder is not fully primed, thus preventing partial firing.

For the MkV, output energy cannot be released into a circuit whose resistance is more than 400 Ohms, and for the MKIV, a circuit of more than 350 Ohms. Both these resistances are well below that of the human body, therefore completely eliminating any electrical hazard to be operator.

For more information about Shrike Exploder , please visit our website Manifest Marketing, HongKong, or our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Friday, July 16, 2010

隨時隨地 貢獻社會

現 在人人網在中國已經是很受歡迎 的社交網站,所以有很多大型的品牌公司也樂於贊助人人網,用中國最大的社交平台將品牌消息發放出去中國的人口已達十三億你 說有什麼比發布消息於社交網站更快?就像以下的ThinkPadThinkPad 是一個筆記型電腦品牌而 ThinkPad於2010年7月開始與壹基金及國外著名公益組織仁人家園合作青川的災後重建工作所以人人網在活動中心中"和 thinkpad小黑一起蓋房子"合作招募80名志願者 往四川地震災區青川為當地居民進行災後的重 建房屋計劃是 次活動幫助120户家庭由 於汶川地震他 們失去了房屋和耕地至 今仍住在臨時搭建的房屋中所 以是次活動希望為那些當地居民重建家園

其實除了一些品牌贊助人人網都非常關注公益活動因 為現在氣候變幻無常水 土流失嚴重耕 地沙化漫延人 類的生存環境日益惡化所 以人人網携手氣候組織中國綠化基金會聯合國環境規劃署邀 請千萬人人網的用戶參與"人人携 手,木木成林"的活動活 動中有3種方式 第一種方式是購買公益柸每 購買一個公益柸 用戶就通過中國綠化基金會向 百萬森林項目捐資一元幫 助植樹而 方式2人人網頁中有一棵愛心榭而 活動中每一萬次用戶澆水將長成一棵愛心樹每長成一棵愛心樹 人人網將代表用戶向百萬森林項目捐資 種植一棵真實的愛心榭而 在人人網中已累計13棵愛心榭即 是已有超過130000次的參與最後一種方式是每位用戶成功邀請一位 站外好友來澆水人人網將代表用戶向百萬森林項目捐 資0.1元種植愛心榭可 別小看0.1以現今社交網站的用戶量可 堆小成多的!

其實現在一間公司在榭立品牌的時候也應為公司建立一個關心 社會和環保的健康品牌形象而 社交網站是現在非常流行的媒體社 交網站的用戶年齡層可說非常廣泛只要通過社交網站的力量可以為自己的品牌建立一 種親民的形象之餘亦 可和喜歡你的顧客即時分享最新動態和消息更貼身了解每位顧客的意見.就像我一樣我也喜歡 留覽facebook 和人人網中 喜愛品牌的主頁查 閱他們的最新消息和活動!人人網是 中國的facebook 因為介面很相近所 以中國經常給人喜歡抄襲的形象但 你要明白facebook未被中國所 接納就 像google (谷歌)一樣 要打入中國市場可說是困難重重但這阻止不了中國在社交網站的地位在社交平台分享自己最新 消息是現在很流行的事看 看你自己的facebook每 分鐘也有人在更新他們的最新動態所以公司亦應把社交媒體視為 一種渠道以更快捷和準確了解顧客所需!

人人網熱心公益關心社會在我心目中已打了一支健康形象的針你 們呢?不要等了,現在就去人人網為 愛心樹澆水吧!

作者: Mavis Fan

歡迎與我聯絡: 或到 關注我吧!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

收到第一個獨家美容療程 invitation!!

嘿!!!!! 小女子尋日收到華洋坊send俾我o既人生中第一個美容中心療程獨家優先體驗invitation!!

早排都聽朋友講過銅鑼灣呢間醫學美容中心, 佢o地標榜”西方美肌 漢方養肌”, 我自己從來都未試過用中藥方法去護膚, 感覺好似有d怪怪o地咁, but其實都心郁郁想試下! 哈, 似終係女仔嘛, 為o左靚靚, 咩方法都應該試下!!

近年其實都聽/見到好多blogger收到唔同類型o既invitation, 美容/瘦身療程有, 產品試用又有, 真係估唔到得閒寫下blog都有回報, 哈哈! 又難怪o既, 而家咁多人上網又facebook又blog仲有微博, 圖文並牟, 容乜易就可以做到宣傳丫, 唔洗大灑金錢落廣告之餘, 又有一班免費”代言人”!

而身為blogger o既我地, 嘩! 有免費野試喎, 何樂而不為呢(哈哈, 人總係貪心嘛)! 試做/用完都只係需要寫返相關o既野再upload下d相, 衰d講, 寫得好仲有”返頭客”添喎! 嘿, 為o左慳錢為o左靚, 小妹都要加倍努力先得!!


致親愛的Mavis Fan:

謹代表香港首間匯萃中西美容概 念的醫學美容中心 - 華洋坊,為慶祝新療程即將推出,誠意邀請身為香港人氣beauty blogger的你獨家優先免費體驗以下任何一種療程:

日 期: 2010年7月25-8月31日
時間: 下午12時-晚上9時
地點: 華洋坊 Angus Beauty Concept
  1. 無針胎盤素導入療程

内容: 無針胎盤素導入療程採用嶄新的電泳無創真皮層導入技術
作用: 保濕,去除活性氧,防止氧化作用
  1. 華洋經絡美肌療法

内容: 激光療程,面部經絡療程
作用: 收緊皮 膚,美白,保濕,保養
  1. 全身經絡穴位舒緩熱療

内容: 以特製的經絡按摩油準確地按壓全身的經絡穴位,全身經絡治療,電氈熱療
作用: 排走體內的廢物將體內多餘的毒素經由淋巴排走,保持經絡暢通,舒緩各種痛症
,舒緩水腫 的情況,促進氣血循環

欲知更 多 關於上述療程資料,請瀏覽華洋坊官方網頁:

華洋坊十分榮幸能跟你分享這份喜悅, 希望閣下能抽空出席,祈請示覆。
詳情請聯絡: Ms. Josie Tao 電話: 8170 1402 或電郵

此電郵由Propserity Research Digital Agency發出

Digital Forensics Asia: No “VOUNDaries” for Intelligent Intella™
Intella’s powerful search engine and visual edge enables users to flesh out data from email and other software applications in your drive. If you want the latest digital forensics tool, then Intella is exactly the one you are looking for. Intella™'s powerful indexing search engine and its unique visual presentation enables the user to easily search and review email and electronically stored information to find critical evidence and visualize relevant relationships. Intella is a user friendly program that is very easy to use---many law enforcement organisations law firms, financial companies and government organisations use Vound Intella for research and investigation.

Year 2008, Vound started its rise to the top, developing the reputation as the global leader in computer security applications specializing on electronic mail investigation. Since then, Vound has greatly extended its “Voundaries”, reaching influence in the U.S, Japan, Germany, U.K, France, China, New Zealand, Netherlands, and Australia. Currently, Vound is setting its course in Asia, finding its way to the Hong Kong based Manifest Marketing Limited, a partner and promoter of security products within the Asian turf. It is clear to see that Vound has not really fallen short of its goal to provide intelligent information and content right from our own very computers. The computer genome has just been cracked by Intella.


Intella indexes and searches all file contents and metadata including various mail and harddrive sources (outlook, IMAP, exchange), different office files (Excel, Word, Publisher, PPT) in various languages (All western languages, Chinese, Japanese and Korean). The search option allows you to browse data based on multiple keywords, facets or specific attributes (text, author, file name, email heading). Asia ditributor Manifest Marketing's John Hirsch explains "You can easily preview email and system files, as well as search and probe email attachments, links, images, archives and headers." You can also follow email conversations at ease while getting a much clearer view of what is going on in your system through Intella’s visualization map. You can even export results in different formats for your further use.

Intella is best known for its efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with issues pertaining to intellectual property and email usage. Since it is fully able to uncover back-end data, there is no escape with this powerful software. You can index your email and hard drives, search specific contents and various file types, get support for different languages, view tables and thumbnails, scan all your attachments, and report all results either in RTF or PDF formats.

To learn more about Intella™, you can visit Manifest Marketing Limited at The Hong Kong based-Company is a partner and provider of Vound Intella™ in Asia.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Asia Gadget 2.0: Open Face Marine Helmet

Open Face Marine Safety Helmet is one of the finest helmets of the Gecko Marine Safety Helmet which is distributed in Asia by Manifest Marketing, Hong Kong. It is the result of many years’ continuous research and development into head protection and element exposure within the marine environment. Working extensively with both rescue and emergency organizations.

Asia Regional Manager John Hirsch describes, " Open Face Marine Safety Helmet weighs only 700 gram which is light enough to be very comfortable." The helmet also is designed by head protection and extreme water sport enthusiasts so it can be used effectively in any circumstances.

The GMSH Open Face Benefits:

Open Face Marine Safety Helmet has many benefits:

BSI approved to PAS 028:2002 MSHS.

Rub resistant strap assembly employing neoprene sheathing.

Removable 15mm thick foam comfort pad provides cushion protection to the top of the head.

Removable blanking unit provides ear protection from natural elements and external noise.

Alternative option also available.

Camera version available

Available in any colour combination.

For more information about the products, please visit our website Manifest Marketing, Hong Kong, or our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Sunday, July 11, 2010



微博的設計,雖然與 Twitter 很像,但的確改良了很多;Twitter 設計很簡單,總之建立一個讓人發出 140 字母的短訊,開放了應用程式介面,其他的 Twitter 便不理太多了。不過,在Twitter 要回應一個“Tweet”,其實不太方便,令很多用戶互相回應的意欲減少,相反新浪微博若要作出「評論」回應,在介面上方便而且明顯。某名人發一微博後, 在短時間內得到數以百計的評論,並不出奇,但在 Twitter 就較少見了。

微博可說是「後移動時代」的產物。據新浪統計,有三分之一的微博是由手機透過流動網絡發出的,而顯然他們無論在內地或香港,大多不是以短訊而是透過智能手機發出 的,更不得不稱讚新浪的周詳部署,除了網絡版本,他們也一拼推出了智 能手機版的apps如iPhone、Android、Symbian及Windows Mobile等,應有盡有。加上近年Social Media的一大趨勢正好就是 Social Networking Goes Mobile,同時推出手機版,用戶可透過手機即時上載圖片和視頻,直接把剛拍的相片上載到微博,其方便程度也是對用戶的一大吸引,難怪微博能在短時間內有幾何級數的用戶增長!正因用戶可以隨時隨地“Check”住微博,結果不知不覺地,微博就變成了迷博!

此外還有很多支援微博的周邊工具如Gtalk, Ping.fm和國內的嘀神, 均能令你更輕鬆簡易地將你想轉發的消息分享到不同的社交網站。

微博絕對是現今”潮人”的一大象徵, 還未有微博? 那你還在等甚麼,快點去登記註冊吧!

