Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Disney Community Organic Farming with Jane Goodall Institute HK

Recently the Jane Goodall Institute in Hong Kong launched their new Nature Explorers citizenship program (探索綠悠遊) in partnership with Hong Kong Disneyland! Students will be able to explore the area around the new Disneyland Resort, which contains many different types of interesting flora and fauna from around the world. This is a wonderful opportunity for youths to learn more about nature and the environment, and they will also use technology to share the knowledge that they have acquired with future visitors and tourists. Participants include local students, ethnic minority students, young people with special needs and hospital patients.  A variety of local schools have already signed up to participate.

The Jane Goodall Institute has always stood up for the environment and endangered species-  fighting against the climate changes around the globe, as we believe that the planet is our future. Through a variety of different events, we constantly strive to engage as many people in our initiative as possible. From cleaning the beaches with students, to promoting charitable previews of movies, we target people of all ages.

Your support matters! Big or small, we can make a difference.  Showing your support keeps us focused, stress-free in our work to achieving a world in which the people take a better care not only for themselves but also the environment around them plus all of the living creatures.
To learn more and sign up for the Disney Community Organic Farming program, send a WhatsApp to 64672907 or email info@janegoodall.org.hk Also be sure to visit the new Jane Goodall Institute Hong Kong website, where you can find much more about what we do and how you can support us!
Support Jane Goodall here: http://www.janegoodall.org.hk/
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