Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Healthy Gastronomy: Using Rapeseed Oil for Cookery

The popularity of rapeseed oil in cookery has surged since 2008 when it was discovered that it has amazing health benefits. This also explains why premium meat producer Flodins, dedicated to providing their customers with healthy foods, have found that carefully enriching pigs’ diets with Brassica napus seed(Rapeseed) improves the texture and flavour of the pork, as well as enhancing the level of Omega-3. Rapeseed oil is drawn from the black seeds of the rapeseed plant, a member of the brassica family. Read on to learn more about using Rapeseed Oil in your meals and it’s many health benefits.


Rapeseed Oil itself has a longer shelf life as compared to other cooking oils hence being very economical and healthy. Just make sure that it is properly stored in a dry place, shielded away from the sun. Cold rapeseed oil can be used as dressing for your salad- simply drizzle on with a high quality vinegar. When it is to be used for frying healthy, delicious meat or pork, then rapeseed oil has to be heated.  

Rapeseed oil has many  health benefits, including the following:
  • It is high in the essential fatty acids omegas 3, 6, and 9.
  • Its omega 3 level is 10 times that of olive oil- these are very proactive when it comes to keeping cholesterol in check.
  • It has the lowest saturated fat levels of any oil, half that of olive oil.
  • It is an excellent source of vitamins E and K.
  • It has virtually no trans-fats.
  • It has no artificial preservatives.
  • It is not genetically modified.


These health benefits are accessible to almost everyone since rapeseed oil fits well into a vegetarian, kosher, halal, or gluten-free diet.

The high quality fat in Flodins Omega-3 Pork is distributed throughout the meat, which makes it more tender, tasty and full of the mouth-watering juices that every professional chef or home cook aims to bring to the table. Both quick to prepare, and with a better flavor and texture- it's no surprise that many top Nordic chefs choose Omega-3 pork for their menus! Home cooks in Hong Kong can now also prepare amazingly delicious dinners for their families with Flodins award-winning Omega-3 Pork- it’s available at ParkNShop FUSION Supermarkets (Discovery Bay, Parkview) and TASTE Supermarkets (Festival Walk, Stanley Plaza and Hopewell Center).

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