Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Raising their voice against HIV, HIV Advocates provides better insights into HIV stigma. They collaborate with human right activists and NGOs to support HIV advocacy movements. Many treatments are available for HIV, but some underestimated treatments have made a huge impact for treating HIV.
One of these ways is the use of Treatment as Prevention (TasP). Continuous use of antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV has led to the suppression of the viral load.  When a person with HIV has a viral load that is suppressed to undetectable levels, they reduce their risk of transmitting the disease by 96 percent! Modern research has revealed the effectiveness of TasP on the usage of antiretroviral medication. For example, an estimated 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV and 50,000 new infections occur annually. Currently, only 30% of people living with HIV are utilizing TasP by being on and adhering to their treatment to maintain a suppressed viral load. TasP users represent a more targeted, at-risk audience who have a greater reason to use this prevention method. Using TasP and promoting it may bring new hope and energy in the lives of people living with HIV.
It's wretched that society can be harsh and stigmatize a disadvantaged community; but the inclusion of TasP removes the barrier between HIV-positive and negative people and encourages conversation about shared interests in preventing HIV. The use of TasP, and more importantly, the conversation about TasP can greatly reduce the stigma of living with HIV and promote healthy discussion between sexual partners. HIV Advocates encourages people living with HIV use TasP or seek and utilize treatments as soon as possible. Get tested today- early diagnosis is key!

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